Wed 14 April 2021 | 9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Bootleg - 48 King George, Tel Aviv,

Celebrating Independence in Bootleg | Mainstream blue and white

In the best tradition and proper for the 73 years of the founding of
Madam, we start dancing, rejoicing
And dance and lift you up

Especially happy 馃帀 hammers, snow spray,
And a blue and white atmosphere that will lift you in the air
And to remind you that in total ..
We have a great country 馃槈

Starting together with the fireworks already at 21:30
And open adalade, a flammable and non-flammable wire spray
We have the first guests 馃帡馃帡馃帡馃帡
Happy holiday from the bootlegs !!!

讞讜讙讙讬诐 注爪诪讗讜转 讘讘讜讟诇讙 | 诪讬讬谞住讟专讬诐 讻讞讜诇 诇讘谉 馃嚠馃嚤

讻诪讬讟讘 讛诪住讜专转 讜讻专讗讜讬 诇 73 砖谞讜转 讛讬讜讜住讚讛 砖诇
讛讙讘专转 讗谞讞谞讜 驻讜转讞讬诐 讘专讬拽讜讚讬诐, 爪讛诇讛
讜诪讞讜诇 讜诪专讬诪讬诐 诇讻诐
诪 住 讬 讘 转 诪 讬 讬 谞 住 讟 专 讬 诐 ! ! !
砖诪讞讛 讘诪讬讜讞讚 馃帀 驻讟讬砖讬诐, 住驻专讬讬 砖诇讙,
讜讗讜讜讬专转 讻讞讜诇 讜诇讘谉 砖转专讬诐 讗转讻诐 讘讗讜讜讬专
讜砖转讝讻讬专 诇讻诐 砖讘住讛状讻..
讬砖 诇谞讜 讗专抓 谞讛讚专转 馃槈

诪转讞讬诇讬诐 讬讞讚 注诐 讛讝讬拽讜拽讬诐 讻讘专 讘砖注讛 21:30
讜驻转讜讞讬诐 注讚讗诇讗讬讚注, 住驻专讬讬 讞讜讟讬诐 诪讚诇讬拽 讜诇讗 讚诇讬拽
注诇讬谞讜 诇讗讜专讞讬诐 讛专讗砖讜谞讬诐 馃帡馃帡馃帡馃帡
讞讙 砖诪讞 诪讛讘讜讟诇讙讬诐!!!

诪专讻讝讬转 Itay Zango 注诐 诪讬讬谞住讟专讬诐 诇驻专爪讜祝

诪讻讬专转 讻专讟讬住讬诐 讘诪拽讜诐-讛讻谞讬住讛 注诇 驻讬 讛谞讞讬讜转 讛转讜 讛讬专讜拽 馃摡
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