Wed 3 January 2024 | 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm
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Alon Ohel, 22 years old from the Levon settlement in the Galilee, was kidnapped from the party on 7.10.23.
Alon’s yellow piano was prepared and placed by his family in the square in front of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and bears the title: Alon, Your’e not alone. Artists and creators come to him to send music, love and strength to Alon and to all our abductees.

On Wednesday 3.1.24 at 17:00 the following will come to the piano:
Shlomi Shaban and the a cappella group Total Vocal.
You are invited to join us, Alon’s family and friends, for a strengthening meeting and a call to bring them back home now!

讗诇讜谉 讗讛诇, 讘谉 22 诪讛讬讬砖讜讘 诇讘讜谉 讘讙诇讬诇, 谞讞讟祝 诪讛诪住讬讘讛 讘专注讬诐 讘-7.10.23.
讛驻住谞转专 讛爪讛讜讘 砖诇 讗诇讜谉 讛讜讻谉 讜讛讜爪讘 注诇 讬讚讬 诪砖驻讞转讜 讘专讞讘讛 诪讜诇 诪讜讝讬讗讜谉 转诇 讗讘讬讘 诇讗诪谞讜转 讜谞讜砖讗 讗转 讛讻讜转专转: Alon, Your’e not alone. 讗诪谞讬诐 讜讬讜爪专讬诐 诪讙讬注讬诐 讗诇讬讜 讻讚讬 诇砖诇讜讞 诪讜讝讬拽讛, 讗讛讘讛 讜讻讞 诇讗诇讜谉 讜诇讻诇 讛讞讟讜驻讬诐 讜讛讞讟讜驻讜转 砖诇谞讜.

讘讬讜诐 专讘讬注讬 3.1.24 讘砖注讛 17:00 讬讙讬注讜 诇驻住谞转专:
砖诇讜诪讬 砖讘谉 讜讛专讻讘 讛讗-拽驻诇讛 讟讜讟讗诇 讜讜拽讗诇.
讗转诐 诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 诇讛爪讟专祝 讗诇讬谞讜, 诪砖驻讞转讜 讜讞讘专讬讜 砖诇 讗诇讜谉, 诇诪驻讙砖 诪讞讝拽 讜诇拽专讬讗讛 诇讛砖讬讘 讗讜转诐 讛讘讬讬转讛 注讻砖讬讜!
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