Thu 17 November 2022 | 5:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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The Book Object: Body Parts exhibition is an exhibition of Meyer books that examines and explores the concept of the book as an object and how it is used. Artist books (or book objects) are works of art that utilize the book form. They are often published in small editions, although sometimes they are produced as one-of-a-kind objects. The creators participating in the exhibition, illustrators who are very active in the Israeli landscape, took it upon themselves to create book objects under the theme BODY PARTS – on its many aspects – social, cultural, technological, etc.

This exhibition is the result of a workshop and accompaniment of several months in which Keren and Golan, and Chaim Shoshan gave workshops on book design, binding and concept development to creators. The result is very intriguing and diverse. Some of them worked in the classic format, flip-flops, and some created conceptual-illustrated games, alongside an in-depth study of material in which paper is not always the material from which the book is made.

Participants of the exhibition: Itzik Rennert, Itamar Hefetz, Esnat Feitelson, Efi Kishon, Ziv Simach, Limor Schnormacher, Nadav Macheta, Nurit Gross, Philip Wasserman, Katia Bryudin, Keren Katz and Michal York, Tamar Messer

Exhibition curators: Keren and Golan Gafni, Haim Shoshan.

A little about our creators:

Itzik Rennert: illustrator, comic creator and artist, former head of the visual communication department and head of the master’s degree in design at Shankar.

Itamar Hefetz: designer, experimental calligrapher with an independent design studio.

Osnat Feitelson: freelance illustrator and creator, illustrator for books and commercial entities.

Efi Kishon: graphic designer, illustrator and independent artist living in south Tel Aviv
She mostly works on projects related to art and culture.

Happy Ziv:
A multidisciplinary artist and creator who explores the fields of printmaking, painting and murals. Ziv’s choice to create a book with different formats and printing and reef printing techniques bound into one book stemmed from this place.

Limor Schnormacher: freelance illustrator and graphic designer graduated from the Witzo Haifa Academic Center.

Nadav Macheta: freelance illustrator works with commercial entities. characterized by a moving line that is illustrative of art.

Nurit Gross: freelance illustrator, illustrated children’s books and winner of the Israel Museum Commendation Prize for illustration.

Philip Wasserman: designer, illustrator and artist living in Tel Aviv. Graduated from the Department of Visual Communication at the Wizo Haifa Academic Center.

Katia Briyodin: illustrator and tattooer lives and works in Tel Aviv. Graduated from Bezalel in the department of visual communication, graduated with a master’s degree in ancient Egyptian art from the Hebrew University.

Keren Katz and Michal York: Keren Katz is an independent illustrator and comic artist, the owner of the publishing house “Barash” – a friend of Michal York, a writer and knowledgeable in bookbinding.

Tamar Messer: A print artist mainly deals with woodcuts and linoleums, dealing with biblical and biblical subjects.

The exhibition will be held as part of the La Culture exhibition – Illustration Edition 2022
LaCulture – Illustration Edition 2022
Opening times:
17.11 Thursday – 23:00-18:00 (grand opening)
18.11 Friday – 17:00-10:00
19.11 Saturday – 10:00-10:00 p.m
20-24.11 – Sunday to Thursday 22:00-16:00
Amiad Center, Jaffa 12 Amiad St., Jaffa (opposite the Flea Market Square) **Entrance is free


转注专讜讻转 Book Object: Body Parts 讛讬谞讛 转注专讜讻讛 砖诇 住驻专讬 诪讗讬讬专讬诐 讛讘讜讞谞转 讜讞讜拽专转 讗转 诪讜砖讙 讛住驻专 讻讗讜讘讬讬拽讟 讜讗讜驻谉 讛砖讬诪讜砖 讘讜. 住驻专讬 讗诪谞讬诐 (讗讜 讞驻爪讬 住驻专) 讛诐 讬爪讬专讜转 讗诪谞讜转 讛诪谞爪诇讜转 讗转 爪讜专转 讛住驻专. 诇注转讬诐 拽专讜讘讜转 讛诐 诪转驻专住诪讬诐 讘诪讛讚讜专讜转 拽讟谞讜转, 讗诐 讻讬 诇驻注诪讬诐 讛诐 诪讬讜爪专讬诐 讻讗讜讘讬讬拽讟讬诐 诪讬讜讞讚讬诐 讘诪讬谞诐. 讛讬讜爪专讬诐 讜讛讬讜爪专讜转 讛诪砖转转驻讬诐 讘转注专讜讻讛, 诪讗讬讬专讬诐 驻注讬诇讬诐 诪讗讜讚 讘谞讜祝 讛讬砖专讗诇讬, 诇拽讞讜 注诇 注爪诪诐 诇讬爪讜专 讗讜讘讬讬拽讟讬 住驻专讬诐 转讞转 讛谞讜砖讗 BODY PARTS – 注诇 砖诇诇 讛讬讘讟讬讜 – 讞讘专转讬讬诐, 转专讘讜转讬讬诐, 讟讻谞讜诇讜讙讬讬诐 讜讻讜壮.

转注专讜讻讛 讝讜 讛讬讗 转讜爪讗讛 砖诇 住讚谞讛 讜诇讬讜讜讬 砖诇 讻诪讛 讞讜讚砖讬诐 讘讛 拽专谉 讜讙讜诇谉, 讜讞讬讬诐 砖讜砖谉 讛注讘讬专讜 诇讬讜爪专讬诐 讜讬讜爪专讜转, 住讚谞讗讜转 注诇 注讬爪讜讘 住驻专, 讻专讬讻讛 讜驻讬转讜讞 拽讜谞住驻讟. 讛转讜爪讗讛 诪讗讜讚 诪住拽专谞转 讜诪讙讜讜谞转. 讞诇拽诐 注讘讚讜 讘驻讜专讟诪讟 讛拽诇讗住讬, 讚驻讚讜驻讬, 讜讞诇拽 讬爪专讜 诪砖讞拽讬诐 诪讗讜讬讬专讬诐-拽讜谞住驻讟讜讗诇讬诐, 诇爪讚 诪讞拽专 砖诇 讞讜诪专 诪注诪讬拽 讘讜 诇讗 转诪讬讚 讛谞讬讬专 讛讜讗 讛讞讜诪专 诪诪谞讜 讛住驻专 注砖讜讬.

诪砖转转驻讬 讛转注专讜讻讛 : 讗讬爪讬拽 专谞专讟, 讗讬转诪专 讞驻抓, 讗住谞转 驻讬讬讟诇住讜谉, 讗驻讬 拽讬砖讜谉, 讝讬讜 砖诪讞, 诇讬诪讜专 砖谞讜专诪讻专, 谞讚讘 诪爪壮讟讛, 谞讜专讬转 讙专讜住, 驻讬诇讬驻 讜住专诪谉, 拽讟讬讛 讘专讬讜讚讬谉, 拽专谉 讻抓 讜诪讬讻诇 讬讜专拽 ,转诪专 诪住专

讗讜爪专讬 讛转注专讜讻讛 :拽专谉 讜讙讜诇谉 讙驻谞讬, 讞讬讬诐 砖讜砖谉.

拽爪转 注诇 讛讬讜爪专讬诐 砖诇谞讜 :

讗讬爪讬拽 专谞专讟 : 诪讗讬讬专, 讬讜爪专 拽讜诪讬拽住 讜讗诪谉, 诇砖注讘专 专讗砖 讛诪讞诇拽讛 诇转拽砖讜专转 讞讝讜转讬转 讜专讗砖 讛转讜讗专 讛砖谞讬 诇注讬爪讜讘 讘砖谞拽专.

讗讬转诪专 讞驻抓 : 诪注爪讘, 拽诇讬讙专祝 讗拽住驻专讬诪谞讟诇讬 讘注诇 住讟讜讚讬讜 注爪诪讗讬 诇注讬爪讜讘.

讗住谞转 驻讬讬讟诇住讜谉 : 诪讗讬讬专转 讜讬讜爪专转 注爪诪讗讬转, 诪讗讬讬专转 注讘讜专 住驻专讬诐 讜讙讜驻讬诐 诪住讞专讬讬诐.

讗驻讬 拽讬砖讜谉: 诪注爪讘转 讙专驻讬转, 诪讗讬讬专转 讜讗诪谞讬转 注爪诪讗讬转 讛诪转讙讜专专转 讘讚专讜诐 转诇 讗讘讬讘
注讜讘讚转 诇专讜讘 注诇 驻专讜讬讬拽讟讬诐 砖谞讜讙注讬诐 讘转讞讜诪讬 讛讗诪谞讜转 讜讛转专讘讜转.

讝讬讜 砖诪讞:
讗诪谉 讜讬讜爪专 专讘 转讞讜诪讬 讜讞讜拽专 讗转 转讞讜诪讬 讛讛讚驻住, 讛爪讬讜专 讜爪讬讜专讬 讛拽讬专. 诪诪拽讜诐 讝讛 讝讬讜 谞讘注讛 讘讞讬专转讜 诇讬爪讜专 住驻专 讘注诇 驻讜专诪讟讬诐 砖讜谞讬诐 讜讟讻谞讬拽讜转 讚驻讜住 讜讛讚驻住 砖讜谞讬转 讛讻专讜讻讬诐 诇住驻专 讗讞讚.

诇讬诪讜专 砖谞讜专诪讻专 : 诪讗讬讬专转 讜诪注爪讘转 讙专驻讬转 注爪诪讗讬转 讘讜讙专转 讛诪专讻讝 讛讗拽讚诪讬 讜讬爪讜 讞讬驻讛.

谞讚讘 诪爪壮讟讛 : 诪讗讬讬专 注爪诪讗讬 注讜讘讚 注诐 讙讜驻讬诐 诪住讞专讬讬诐. 诪讗讜驻讬讬谉 讘拽讜 讛谞注 讘谉 讗讬讜专 诇讗诪谞讜转.

谞讜专讬转 讙专讜住 : 诪讗讬讬专转 注爪诪讗讬转, 讗讬讬专讛 住驻专讬 讬诇讚讬诐 讜讝讜讻转 驻专住 爪讬讜谉 诇砖讘讞 诇讗讬讜专 诪诪讜讝讬讗讜谉 讬砖专讗诇.

驻讬诇讬驻 讜住专诪谉 : 诪注爪讘, 诪讗讬讬专 讜讗诪谉 讛诪转讙讜专专 讘转诇 讗讘讬讘. 讘讜讙专 讛诪讞诇拽讛 诇转拽砖讜专转 讞讝讜转讬转 讘诪专讻讝 讛讗拽讚诪讬 讜讬爪讜 讞讬驻讛.

拽讟讬讛 讘专讬讜讚讬谉 : 诪讗讬讬专转 讜诪拽注拽注转 讙专讛 讜驻讜注诇转 讘转诇 讗讘讬讘. 讘讜讙专转 讘爪诇讗诇 讘诪讞诇拽讛 诇转拽砖讜专转 讞讝讜转讬转, 讘讜讙专转 转讜讗专 砖谞讬 讘讗诪谞讜转 诪爪专讬转 注转讬拽讛 诪讛讗讜谞讬讘专住讬讟讛 讛注讘专讬转.

拽专谉 讻抓 讜诪讬讻诇 讬讜专拽 : 拽专谉 讻抓 诪讗讬讬专转 讜拽讜诪讬拽住讗讬转 注爪诪讗讬转, 讘注诇转 讛讛讜爪讗讛 诇讗讜专 状讘专讞砖状 – 讞讘专讛 诇诪讬讻诇 讬讜专拽, 讻讜转讘转 讜讘注诇转 讬讚注 讘讻专讬讻转 住驻专讬诐.

转诪专 诪住专 : 讗诪谞讬转 讛讚驻住 注讜住拽转 讘注讬拽专 讘讞讬转讜讻讬 注抓 讜诇讬谞讜诇讬讗讬诐, 注讬住讜拽 讘谞讜砖讗讬诐 转谞讻状讬讬诐 讜诪拽专讗讬讬诐.

讛转注专讜讻讛 转转拽讬讬诐 讘诪住讙专转 转注专讜讻转 诇讛志拽讜诇讟讜专 – 诪讛讚讜专转 讗讬讜专 2022
LaCulture – Illustration Edition 2022
讝诪谞讬 驻转讬讞讛:
17.11 讬讜诐 讞诪讬砖讬 – 23:00-18:00 (驻转讬讞讛 讞讙讬讙讬转)
18.11 讬讜诐 砖讬砖讬 – 17:00-10:00
19.11 砖讘转 – 22:00-10:00
20-24.11 – 讬诪讬诐 专讗砖讜谉 注讚 讞诪讬砖讬 22:00-16:00
诪专讻讝 注诪讬注讚, 讬驻讜 专讞壮 注诪讬注讚 12, 讬驻讜 (诪诪讜诇 诇专讞讘转 砖讜拽 讛驻砖驻砖讬诐) **讛讻谞讬住讛 讞讜驻砖讬转
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