Tue 17 May 2022 | 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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Benjamin’s Brother from the indie pop band are back for another intimate and special performance

The show will include new songs that have not yet been heard from the upcoming third album alongside hits from previous albums.

The band whose sound describes meetings between Tame Impala, jungle, Iron & Wine and Harry Styels in an eclectic, bouncy and exciting pop performance

Benjamin’s Brother won impressive success in Israel and abroad at the end of the previous decade, and international recognition thanks to their music videos that won awards at important festivals such as: LA Short Film Festival, Berlin Music Video Awards

They appeared on the best stages in Israel, from Barbie to Indingev, and excited a large audience with their captivating and special style: a combination of disco, folk, rock, and electronic touches as a background to Yosef Bach’s moving voice.

Tickets: https://secure.cardcom.solutions/e/hujmkIi4RE6b4JygbAw6dQ

讛讗讞讬诐 诪诇讛拽转 讛讗讬谞讚讬 驻讜驻 讞讜讝专讬诐 诇注讜讚 讛讜驻注讛 讗讬谞讟讬诪讬转 讜诪讬讜讞讚转

讛诪讜驻注 讬讻诇讜诇 砖讬专讬诐 讞讚砖讬诐 砖讟专诐 谞砖诪注讜 诪转讜讱 讛讗诇讘讜诐 讛砖诇讬砖讬 砖讘讚专讱 诇爪讚 诇讛讬讟讬诐 诪讗诇讘讜诪讬诐 拽讜讚诪讬诐.

讛诇讛拽讛 砖注诇讬讛 谞讻转讘 砖讛住讗讜谞讚 砖诇讛 诪转讗专 诪驻讙砖讬诐 讘讬谉 Tame Impala, jungle, Iron & Wine 讜 Harry Styels 讘讛讜驻注转 驻讜驻 讗拽诇拽讟讬转, 诪拽驻讬爪讛 讜诪专讙砖转

, Benjamin’s Brother 讝讻讜 讘住讜祝 讛注砖讜专 讛拽讜讚诐 诇讛爪诇讞讛 诪专砖讬诪讛 讘讗专抓 讜讘讞讜”诇, 讜诇讛讻专讛 讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬转 讘讝讻讜转 拽诇讬驻讬诐 砖诇讛诐 砖讝讻讜 讘驻专住讬诐 讘驻住讟讬讘诇讬诐 讞砖讜讘讬诐 讻讙讜谉: LA Short Film Festival, Berlin Music Video Awards

讛诐 讛讜驻讬注讜 注诇 诪讬讟讘 讛讘诪讜转 讘讗专抓, 诪讘讗专讘讬 讜注讚 讗讬谞讚讬谞讙讘, 讜讛诇讛讬讘讜 拽讛诇 专讘 讘住讙谞讜谉 讛讻讜讘砖 讜讛诪讬讜讞讚 砖诇讛诐: 砖讬诇讜讘 砖诇 讚讬住拽讜, 驻讜诇拽, 专讜拽, 讜谞讙讬注讜转 讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬讜转 讻专拽注 诇拽讜诇 讛诪专讙砖 砖诇 讬讜住祝 讘讱.
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