Sat 27 May 2023 | 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
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After a long time without Arctic Kartiv, they are back with a crazy show with lots of surprises!!!
A tribute show to Arctic Monkeys with all the best songs that will make you want to burn the dance floor 馃コ
So come on, without much fuss, buy a ticket and join the craziest celebration this year 馃槏鉂わ笍馃敟
Audience entry at 9:00 p.m
Price in the qualifiers: 60 NIS
Price on the spot: 70 NIS
See you monkeys 馃惖



讗讞专讬 诪诇讗 讝诪谉 砖诇讗 讗专拽讟讬拽 拽专讟讬讘 讞讜讝专讬诐 讘讛讜驻注讛 诪砖讜讙注转 注诐 诪诇讗 讛驻转注讜转!!!
诪讜驻注 诪讞讜讜讛 诇讗专拽讟讬拽 诪讗谞拽讬讝 注诐 讻诇 讛砖讬专讬诐 讛讻讬 讛讻讬 讟讜讘讬诐 砖讬讙专诪讜 诇讻诐 诇专爪讜转 诇砖专讜祝 讗转 专讞讘转 讛专讬拽讜讚讬诐 馃コ
讗讝 讬讗诇诇讛 讘诇讬 讛专讘讛 拽砖拽讜砖讬诐 拽谞讜 讻专讟讬住 讜转爪讟专驻讜 诇讞讙讬讙讛 讛讻讬 诪讟讜专驻转 讛砖谞讛 馃槏鉂わ笍馃敟
讻谞讬住转 拽讛诇 讘砖注讛 21:00
诪讞讬专 讘诪讜拽讚诪讜转: 60 砖状讞
诪讞讬专 讘诪拽讜诐: 70 砖状讞
谞转专讗讛 拽讜驻讬诐 馃惖

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