Mon 29 January 2024 | 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
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To register:

It’s been over three months that the guns have been roaring and still, the full picture of reality is hidden from our eyes. The destruction and bereavement of Gaza are hardly mentioned on the television channels, in the newspaper headlines and in salon conversations. The public is led to a show of national unity, which stifles any criticism. “Together we will win”, they tell us, but it is not clear what will be considered a victory and how much more we will be required to pay on the way to it.

“Local Conversation” invites you to an evening of observing reality and its concealment mechanism. We will talk about unmobilized journalism during combat, and about the possible future and what needs to change in order for it to be realized.
The number of places is limited, it is highly recommended to register in advance here:


讻讘专 诪注诇 砖诇讜砖讛 讞讜讚砖讬诐 砖讛转讜转讞讬诐 专讜注诪讬诐 讜注讚讬讬谉, 转诪讜谞转 讛诪爪讬讗讜转 讛诪诇讗讛 诪讜住转专转 诪注讬谞讬谞讜. 讛讛专住 讜讛砖讻讜诇 诪注讝讛 讻诪注讟 砖诇讗 诪讜讝讻专讬诐 讘注专讜爪讬 讛讟诇讜讜讬讝讬讛, 讘讻讜转专讜转 讛注讬转讜谞讬诐 讜讘砖讬讞讜转 住诇讜谉. 讛爪讬讘讜专 诪讜讘诇 诇诪讜驻注 砖诇 讗讞讚讜转 诇讗讜诪讬转, 砖讞讜谞拽转 讻诇 讘讬拽讜专转. “讬讞讚 谞谞爪讞”, 讗讜诪专讬诐 诇谞讜, 讗讘诇 诇讗 讘专讜专 诪讛 讬讬讞砖讘 谞讬爪讞讜谉 讜讻诪讛 注讜讚 谞讬讚专砖 诇砖诇诐 注诇 讛讚专讱 讗诇讬讜.

“砖讬讞讛 诪拽讜诪讬转” 诪讝诪讬谞讛 讗讜转讱 诇注专讘 砖诇 讛转讘讜谞谞讜转 讘诪爪讬讗讜转 讜讘诪谞讙谞讜谉 讛讛住转专讛 砖诇讛. 谞砖讜讞讞 注诇 注讬转讜谞讜转 诇讗 诪讙讜讬住转 讘讝诪谉 诇讞讬诪讛, 讜注诇 讛注转讬讚 讛讗驻砖专讬 讜诪讛 爪专讬讱 诇讛砖转谞讜转 讻讚讬 砖讬转诪诪砖.
诪住驻专 讛诪拽讜诪讜转 诪讜讙讘诇, 诪讜诪诇抓 诪讗讜讚 诇讛专砖诐 诪专讗砖 讻讗谉:
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