Mon 19 December 2022 | 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
House of Solidarity - Jaffa Road, 9, Tel Aviv,

Register here (limited spaces):

Are you ready to feel more empowered with sexual and intimate experiences? We hope the answer is yes because we鈥檙e bringing back our popular workshop, 鈥楲et’s Talk About Sex, Mami!’
Come join Tal and Yasmin from “This is Not an Ulpan” to explore Hebrew from head to toe. We鈥檒l teach you the Hebrew words and phrases you need to express your gender identity, sexual wants and needs, and consent.
This workshop will be taught in English and will be accessible to anyone at a beginner + Hebrew level and above. The material will definitely be useful for those who are advanced speakers as well!
Please arrive on time, as the content can be sensitive and we want to allow for a comfortable space for everyone involved. Limited spaces available so make sure to register in advance.
Entry on a donation basis to Culture of Solidarity, and we will be selling our vocabulary booklet that accompanies the workshop for a sliding scale of 30-50 NIS (to cover printing costs).

*讛转砖诇讜诐 诇讗讬专讜注 讘诪转讻讜谞转 砖诇诐.讬 讻驻讬 讬讻讜诇转讱 讻讗砖专 讻诇 讛讛讻谞住讜转 转专讜诪讛 诇诪注专讱 住诇讬 讛诪讝讜谉 砖诇 转专讘讜转 砖诇 住讜诇讬讚专讬讜转.
*转转讗驻砖专 讻谞讬住讛 砖诇 18+ 讘拽谞讬讬转 讻专讟讬住 诪专讗砖. 拽谞讬讬转 讻专讟讬住 讘讻谞讬住讛 转转讗驻砖专 诇讙讬诇讗讬 21+ 讘讗诪爪注 砖讘讜注 讜23+ 讘讬诪讬 讞诪讬砖讬 讘讛转讗诐 诇讛谞讞讬讜转 讛讘讬转 专讜诪谞讜.
*讘讘讬转 砖诇 住讜诇讬讚专讬讜转 讗讬谉 诪拽讜诐 诇讛转谞讛讙讜转 讙讝注谞讬转, 讟专谞住驻讜讘讬转, 住拽住讬住讟讬转 讜讛讟专讚讜转/讗诇讬诪讜转 诪讻诇 住讜讙.
*诇爪注专谞讜 讛专讘 讘砖诇讘 讝讛 讗讬谉 诪注诇讜谉 诇讘讬转 砖诇 住讜诇讬讚专讬讜转, 讗讱 讗谞讗 爪专讜 讗讬转谞讜 拽砖专 诪专讗砖 诇转讬讗讜诐 讙讬砖讛 注讘讜专 谞讻讬诐.
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