Fri 10 February 2023 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am
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For PFI’s March cleanup, we’re going to tackle one plastic problem we don’t talk about enough- NURDLES!
As part of the The Great Global Nurdle Hunt we’re going to hunt for nurdles in Tel Aviv and add our findings to their international database on nurdle pollution! We will learn about different types of microplastics and try get as many of them our of our beaches! For those of you who like to go big we will have also big trash bags 馃檪

Nurdles are the base material that plastic manufacturers use to make plastic products. During manufacturing, nurdles often escape through unfiltered wastewater, float down rivers, and end up in the sea, on beaches, and end up in our food chain. They easily blend into the sand and look to fishes and birds like food.

What you’ll need for the Nurdle Hunt:
-Sun protection
– Water in a resuable water bottle
– Comfy shoes
– a sifter (if you have one, it will be a big help!)
– a willingness to get sandy 馃檪
For more info about nurdles and the global initiative visit The Great Nurdle Hunt on Facebook, or their website –

Location: the Yarkon spillway beach right across from Reading Power Station starting at 9.30am

More details on the Facebook Event.

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讘谞讬拽讬讜谉 讛讝讛, 谞转诪拽讚 讘讘注讬讬转 驻诇住讟讬拽 砖讗谞讞谞讜 诇讗 诪讚讘专讬诐/讜转 注诇讬讛 讛专讘讛 – 讻讚讜专讬讜转 驻诇住讟讬拽 “Nurdles”
讻讞诇拽 诪讛讬讜讝诪讛 砖诇 The Great Global Nurdle Hunt , 谞爪讗 “诇爪讜讚” 讻讚讜专讬讜转 驻诇住讟讬拽 讘讞讜祝 讘转诇 讗讘讬讘 讜谞讜住讬祝 讗转 讛诪诪爪讗讬诐 砖诇谞讜 诇诪讗讙专 谞转讜谞讬诐 讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬 注诇 讝讬讛讜诐 讻讚讜专讬讜转 驻诇住讟讬拽! 谞诇诪讚 注诇 住讜讙讬 讛诪讬拽专讜驻诇住讟讬拽 讛砖讜谞讬诐, 讜谞谞住讛 诇讛讜爪讬讗 讻诪讛 砖讬讜转专 诪讛谉 诪讛讞讜驻讬诐 砖诇谞讜! 诇讗诇讜 砖诪注讚讬驻讬诐 诇讗住讜祝 驻住讜诇转 讙讚讜诇讛 讬讜转专 讬讛讬讜 诇谞讜 讙诐 砖拽讬讜转 讗讬住讜祝 讙讚讜诇讜转 馃檪

讻讚讜专讬讜转 讛驻诇住讟讬拽, 讛谉 讞讜诪专 讛讙诇诐 诪诪谞讜 诪讬讬爪专讬诐 诪讜爪专讬 驻诇住讟讬拽 讘诪驻注诇讬 驻诇住讟讬拽. 讘转讛诇讬讱 讛讬讬爪讜专, 讛专讘讛 诪讛讻讚讜专讬讜转 讘讜专讞讜转 讚专讱 诪讬 砖驻讻讬诐 诇讗 诪驻讜诇讟专讬诐 讜讘专讜讞, 讜注讜砖讜转 讗转 讚专讻谉 诇谞讞诇讬诐, 诇讬诐 讛驻转讜讞 讜讘住讜驻讜 砖诇 讚讘专 诇砖专砖专转 讛诪讝讜谉 砖诇谞讜. 讛谉 讘拽诇讜转 诪转驻住驻住讜转 讘转讜讱 讛讞讜诇 讜讚讙讬诐 讜爪讬驻讜专讬诐 讟讜注讬诐 诇讞砖讜讘 砖讛谉 诪讝讜谉.

讗诇 转砖讻讞讜 讻诪讜讘谉 诇讛讘讬讗 –
– 讛讙谞讛 诪讛砖诪砖 (讻讜讘注, 拽专诐 讛讙谞讛 讜讻讜)
– 诪讬诐 讘讘拽讘讜拽 专讘 驻注诪讬
– 诪住谞谞转 (讗诐 讬砖 诇讻诐 诪住谞谞转 谞砖诪讞 诪讗讜讚 砖转讘讬讗讜 讗讬转讻诐 )
– 谞注诇讬讬诐 谞讜讞讜转
诇拽专讗转 讛讗讬专讜注 谞驻专住诐 诪讬拽讜诐 诪讚讜讬讬拽, 讜诇注讜专 诪讬讚注 注诇 讻讚讜专讬讜转 讜注诇 讛讬讜讝诪讛 讛讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬转 诇讗讬住讜驻谉 讘拽专讜 讘

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