Sat 2 October 2021 | 4:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Collabo - Ben Zvi 47, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 50 NIS

Our beautiful and precious!

Amir and I (Dubi / Dubiel / Dov) fulfill a fantasy of years, to pick up a party just the two of us, a party that is basically a journey planned down to the smallest details.

As part of the journey we want to give free rein to your wildest, most colorful and uplifting version (I mean radical)

So please, come dressed up!

We closed a stunning location, we brought the most equal DJs in town, you only have to come!

Keep in your diary the autumnal afternoon of October 2nd

The subwoofer will start shaking at 16:00

The sun of late summer will make us pleasant

Dobi plays a birthday set

Sunset and hugs


** A green card / certificate of recovery must be presented at the entrance or inspection 24 hours before the event

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