Sat 3 July 2021 | 5:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Mondo 2000 - Levinsky 36, Tel Aviv, 30 NIS

Is this a plane? Is it a bird? Is this an Iron Dome interception?

We stood stunned on the roof over Lewinsky Market, an unidentified object hovering in the sky, advancing towards us.

The UFO approached, among the clouds, a rhino with wings and a space helmet was discovered, amazing in its beauty and huge in size .. and when we got closer we realized that it consists of hundreds of small rhinos – but together, when he flies in one block, the rhino is larger than the sum of its rhinos.

After countless random joint celebrations, this time it’s official – the rhinos get on the lifts and join Mondos for the most 2000 event possible.

17:00 Elevator opening
Lewinsky 39
6th floor

The world is a rhino.

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状讝讛 诪讟讜住 ? 讝讛 爪讬驻讜专 ? 讝讛 讬讬专讜讟 砖诇 讻讬驻转 讘专讝诇 ?状
注诪讚谞讜 讛诪讜诪讬诐 注诇 讛讙讙 诪注诇 砖讜拽 诇讜讬谞住拽讬, 注爪诐 讘诇转讬 诪讝讜讛讛 专讬讞祝 讘砖诪讬讬诐, 讛转拽讚诐 诇注讘专谞讜.
讛注讘状诪 讛转拽专讘, 讘讬谉 讛注谞谞讬诐, 讛转讙诇讛 诇谞讜 拽专谞祝 注诐 讻谞驻讬讬诐 讜拽住讚转 讞诇诇,
诪讚讛讬诐 讘讬讜驻讬讜 讜注谞拽 讘讙讜讚诇讜.. 讜讻砖讛转拽专讘 讛讘谞讜 砖讛讜讗 诪讜专讻讘 诪诪讗讜转 拽专谞驻讬诐 拽讟谞讬诐,
讗讱 讘讬讞讚, 讻砖讛讜讗 注祝 讘讙讜砖 讗讞讚, 讛拽专谞祝 讙讚讜诇 诪住讱 拽专谞驻讬讜.
讗讞专讬 讗讬谉 住驻讜专 讞讙讬讙讜转 诪砖讜转驻讜转 讗拽专讗讬讜转,
讛驻注诐 讝讛 专讬砖诪讬 – 讛拽专谞驻讬诐 注讜诇讬诐 讘诪注诇讬讜转 讜讞讜讘专讬诐 诇诪讜谞讚讜讝 诇讗讬专讜注 讛讻讬 2000 砖讬讻讜诇 诇讛讬讜转.
讘住诇讜谉 诪转讗专讞讬诐 :
Dor danino
Yael loheit

17:00 驻转讬讞转 诪注诇讬讜转
诇讜讬谞住拽讬 39
拽讜诪讛 6

讛注讜诇诐 讛讜讗 拽专谞祝.
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