Wed 12 January 2022 | 8:30 pm - 11:59 pm
Barby - Derech Kibuts Galuyot 52, Tel Aviv,



Celebrating the Decade

Yaman Blues marks a decade of international activity in a new show and hosts Esther Rada.

Conducted by Ravid Kahlani, Heiman Blues will arrive for a rare and well-attended evening and will host Esther Rada and Jonathan Volchuk’s Big Band.

In the new show, Heiman Blues will perform the songs from both studio albums and also promise to innovate with material from albums released in 2022.

As one of the most talented and charismatic performers, Yaman Blues marvels at navigating between a celebration of exploding joy full of groove and heartbreaking ballads. All of these make Yaman Blues one of the most fascinating and enjoyable bands in contemporary music that continues to march forward with the sound associated with it, which hundreds of thousands of people in recent years and around the world have been dancing to and with – an East-West dance, between Africa and Yemen.

The musical project “Yaman Blues”, the fruit of the band’s vocalist Ravid Kahlani’s, burst into consciousness with a debut album that garnered dizzying success and a world name, and heralded contemporary music as a new and groundbreaking auditory and stage experience. The ensemble’s unique musical texture combines Yemeni-rooted music and ancient piyyutim alongside contemporary African-American punk and mambo.
Yaman Blues’ second studio album, Insaniya, was produced by legendary musician and Grammy winner Bill Lazwell who has produced albums for Rebbe Hancock, Mick Jagger and Iggy Pop, among others.


讞讙讬讙转 讛注砖讜专

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讘谞讬爪讜讞讜 砖诇 专讘讬讚 讻讞诇谞讬, 讬讙讬注讜 讛讬诪谉 讘诇讜讝 诇注专讘 谞讚讬专 讜专讘 诪砖转转驻讬诐 讜讬讗专讞讜 讗转 讗住转专 专讚讗 讜讛讘讬讙 讘谞讚 砖诇 讬讜谞转谉 讜讜诇爪’讜拽.

讘诪讜驻注 讛讞讚砖 讬讘爪注讜 讛讬诪谉 讘诇讜讝 讗转 讛砖讬专讬诐 诪砖谞讬 讗诇讘讜诪讬 讛讗讜诇驻谉 讜讙诐 诪讘讟讬讞讬诐 诇讞讚砖 注诐 讞讜诪专讬诐 诪讗诇讘讜诪讬诐 讗砖专 讬爪讗讜 讘 2022.

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讛驻专讜讬拽讟 讛诪讜讝讬拽诇讬 “讬诪谉 讘诇讜讝”, 驻专讬 讞讝讜谞讜 砖诇 住讜诇谉 讛讛专讻讘 专讘讬讚 讻讞诇谞讬, 驻专抓 诇转讜讚注讛 注诐 讗诇讘讜诐 讘讻讜专讛 砖讙专祝 讛爪诇讞讛 诪住讞专专转 讜砖诐 注讜诇诪讬, 讜讘讬砖专 诇诪讜讝讬拽讛 讛注讻砖讜讜讬转 讞讜讜讬讛 讗讜讚讬讟讜专讬转 讜讘讬诪转讬转 讞讚砖讛 讜驻讜专爪转 讚专讱. 讛诪专拽诐 讛诪讜讝讬拽诇讬 讛讬讬讞讜讚讬 砖诇 讛讛专讻讘 诪砖诇讘 诪讜讝讬拽讛 转讬诪谞讬转-砖讜专砖讬转 讜驻讬讜讟讬诐 注转讬拽讬诐 诇爪讚 驻讗谞拽 讜诪诪讘讜 讗驻专讜-讗诪专讬拽讗讬 讘谞讬 讝诪谞谞讜.
讗诇讘讜诐 讛讗讜诇驻谉 讛砖谞讬 砖诇 讬诪谉 讘诇讜讝, Insaniya, 讛讜驻拽 注诇 讬讚讬 讛诪讜讝讬拽讗讬 讛讗讙讚讬 讜讝讜讻讛 讛讙专讗诪讬 讘讬诇 诇讗讝讜讜诇 砖讛驻讬拽 讘讬谉 讛讬转专 讗诇讘讜诪讬诐 诇讛专讘讬 讛谞拽讜拽, 诪讬拽 讙壮讗讙专 讜讗讬讙讬 驻讜驻.
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