Wed 29 March 2023 | 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm
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Words for melodies – Yoni Rechter hosts Ronnie Kuban at Zucker Hall March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023
Wednesday 20:30
Zucker Hall
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Ronnie Kuban will talk with Yoni Rechter about this special meeting, how it started and how songs like ‘As long as’ were written for example which, it seems, brought the ability of each of them to the peak. In the evening, well-known songs such as: ‘That’s all there is’, ‘She’s here again’, ‘My only love’ and ‘Cosmic prophetic song’ will be performed, along with songs that have never been revealed, some of them from a shelved musical, as well as nonsense songs.

Yoni Rechter,
One of the original and interesting musicians in Israeli music for four decades.

His music combines a wide variety of styles with influences from jazz, rock, east and west, Richter’s songs for both adults and children are characterized by great sensitivity to the text and not a few of them have become classics.

Over the years he wrote music for theater and cinema and also composed 3 operas, one for the Israeli Opera and two for the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

LOCATION: Huberman St 1, Tel Aviv-Yafo

诪讬诇讬诐 诇诪谞讙讬谞讜转 – 专讜谞讬 拽讜讘谉 讗讜诇诐 爪讜拽专 29 诪专抓 2023 讻专讟讬住讬诐.
讬讜诐 专讘讬注讬20:30
讗讜诇诐 爪讜拽专
专讻讜砖 注讻砖讬讜
“转驻讬诇讛 转诇-讗讘讬讘讬转”
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讬讜谞讬 专讻讟专,
讗讞讚 讛诪讜讝讬拽讗讬诐 讛诪拽讜专讬讬诐 讜讛诪注谞讬讬谞讬诐 讘诪讜讝讬拽讛 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转 诪讝讛 讗专讘注讛 注砖讜专讬诐.

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诇讗讜专讱 讛砖谞讬诐 讻转讘 诪讜讝讬拽讛 诇转讬讗讟专讜谉 讜拽讜诇谞讜注 讜讙诐 讛诇讞讬谉 3 讗讜驻专讜转, 讗讞转 诇讗讜驻专讛 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转 讜砖转讬讬诐 诇转讝诪讜专转 讛驻讬诇讛专诪讜谞讬转 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转.

讬讜谞转谉 讻讛谉, 讚谞讬讗诇 讚讜专, 谞讬爪谉 讘专, 讙讬讗 诇讜讬

讙讬讗 驻诇抓 / 转讜诐 讞讜讚讜专讘 , 讬注诇 爪专讬 , 讟诇 讙谞讜专 / 注谞转 诪讜砖拽讜讘住拽讬

诇诪讜驻注 讛专讗砖讜谉 注诐 专讜谞讬 拽讜讘谉 讘转讗专讬讱 讛-29.03.23 讗讝诇讜 讛讻专讟讬住讬诐. 讘砖诇 讛讘讬拽讜砖 诪讜驻注 谞讜住祝
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