Mon 4 February 2019 | 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Dizzy Frishdon - Dizengoff 112, Tel Aviv,


Most of us live our lives without knowing the amazing body in which we live.
A fascinating workshop in which myths about women’s bodies, female cycles and how they affect us, how we are structured, introduction to the Fertility Awareness System – how to avoid pregnancy or achieve pregnancy naturally and partly on feminine hygiene

So what is the schedule?
Gathering at 19:00
At 20:00 the lecture begins

Who am I?
Sharon, a naturopathic and clinical analyst
I learned to guide the Fertility Awareness Method at NFPTA England, expanded my interest in women’s health, women’s body and fertility in in-depth courses and professional literature.
Handles a private clinic and assists individuals in the field of health and in the transition to a healthy lifestyle
Women’s workshops, fertility awareness, workshops for detoxification and healthy cooking workshops

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