Thu 23 May 2019 | 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
My Wave - Bat yam promenade , bat yam,

Plastic kills the sea.  Bag after bag, straw after straw.

We are pleased to invite you to a special project aimed at raising awareness of the excessive plastic consumption of humans. This consumption creates severe environmental pollution. We are trying to give an artistic and optimistic perspective that will shed light on the subject, in order to arouse emotion, contribute to the cleanliness of the plastic from our world and change our way of life.

The event will include exhibits, sculptures, original paintings, prints, and various products designed by the artists participating in the “WILD PLASTIC” atmosphere and the spirit of the cycle.
A significant part of the works offered for sale and 50% of revenues will be donated to the charity HaGal Sheli my wave which uses surfing as an educational tool for empowerment of youth at risk and educates the love of the sea environment in general and in particular, the charity clear | Zalul Environmental AssociationWhich aims to protect the sea, rivers, environmental health and the public, and to raise these issues on the political and public agenda.

Check Out The Event Page On Facebook