Wed 18 April 2018 | 9:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Yehuda Halevi - Yehuda Halevi, Tel Aviv, 30 NIS

Noise rule is off, so music must be on!
THE most magical rooftop in town comes to life again to celebrate independence and freedom.

Mazal Tov to us all!

What do we have in mind ? ? ?

| ||| | ||| Wonderful sound!
vibrate at your most pleasant frequency

| ||| | ||| Rooftop alcohol prices!
love is free and cheap is fun

| ||| | ||| Free skywatching, surround wind system, private skyscrapers view and sweet mediterranean breeze.

up to 00:00 – 20 NIS
00:00 and on – 30 NIS

Make music, not noise.
See you on the roof

| | | ||||| |||| | | | ||||| |||| | | | ||||| ליינאפ הופ הופ |||| | | | ||||| |||| | | | ||||||||| | | |
Sounds & VISIONS

21:00 _ _ _ _ Wa_jima

22:30 _ _ _ _ Yhonatan Rukhman

00:00 _ _ _ _ TAI RONA

2:00 _ _ _ _ ToTi

3:00______ Niv Yefet b2b Ben Merker

4:30 _ _ _ _ YEHOSHUA

??:00 _ _ _ _ @$#^%&*)(%_(#

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