Fri 10 December 2021 | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
City Tree - Bialik St 25, Tel Aviv,

What is the most organic food? It is easy to conclude that food, which is grown without the investment of resources and labor and came to us fresh, immediately upon picking and without transportation, is the answer. Such are the edible wild plants, and it turns out that most of the wild plants around us are like that.

* We will get to know the surprising variety of edible wild plants in the city;
* We will learn to distinguish between them and those who are not edible;
* We will curb the fear of dangers of poisoning, infection or snakes;
* We will remove more partitions between us and our immediate environment;
Towards the end we will prepare from what we have collected kinds of food and drinks in a cultivator of a tree in the city;
* We will take with us easy recipes to implement.

Since green leaves are the main ingredient in a healthy diet, and since local food provides our body with its needs according to the local climate and season, it turns out that this is also the healthiest food. Sometimes we are lucky enough to find fruit as well.

Edible wild plants exist in our environment all year round. In winter and spring they are in abundance. Still, only a few of us enjoy this wonderful gift, and even as a neighbor, it is usually as a curiosity during a trip and not as part of the daily lifestyle.

From now on any trip or just a walk will share not only the sight, hearing and smell, but also the taste. From now on it will be difficult to understand why we have to stand in line and pay to get food, when you can just go out into the open air for a free shopping trip …

Participation fee:
100 NIS – single
150 – Double ticket
80 – to patrons

Supervisor: Dr. Alon Eliran, expert in collection, good nutrition and a good life

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诪讛讜 讛诪讝讜谉 讛讻讬 讗拽讜诇讜讙讬? 拽诇 诇讛讙讬注 诇诪住拽谞讛, 砖诪讝讜谉, 砖讙讚诇 诇诇讗 讛砖拽注转 诪砖讗讘旨讬诐 讜址注植讘讜讚讛 讜讛执讙旨讬注 讗诇讬谞讜 讟专讬, 诪讬讚 注诐 讛讬拽讟驻讜 讜旨诇诇讗 砖讬谞讜注, 讛讜讗 讛转砖讜讘讛. 讻讗诇讛 讛诐 爪诪讞讬 讛讘专 讛讗讻讬诇讬诐, 讜旨诪转讘专专 砖专讜讘 爪诪讞讬 讛讘专 砖讘执旨住讘讬讘转谞讜 讛诐 讻讗诇讛.

* 谞转讜讜讚注 讗诇 讛诪讙讜讜谉 讛诪驻转讬注 砖诇 爪诪讞讬 讘专 讗讻讬诇讬诐 讘注讬专;
* 谞诇诪讚 诇讛讘讞讬谉 讘讬谞诐 诇讘讬谉 讗诇讛, 砖讗讬谞诐 讗讻讬诇讬诐;
* 谞专住谉 讗转 讛讞砖砖 诪驻谞讬 住讻谞讜转 砖诇 讛专注诇讛, 讝讬讛讜诐 讗讜 谞讞砖讬诐;
* 谞住讬专 注讜讚 诪讞讬爪讜转 讘讬谞讬谞讜 诇讘讬谉 讛住讘讬讘讛 讛诪讬讚讬转 砖诇谞讜;
* 诇拽专讗转 住讬讜诐 谞讻讬谉 诪诪讛 砖诇讬拽讟谞讜 诪讬谞讬 诪讗讻诇讬诐 讜旨诪砖拽讗讜转 讘诪讟驻讞 砖诇 注抓讘注讬专;
* 谞讬拽讞 讗转谞讜 诪转讻讜谞讬诐 拽诇讬诐 诇讬讬砖讜诐.

讻讬讜讜谉 砖注诇讬诐 讬专讜拽讬诐 讛诐 讛专讻讬讘 讛注讬拽专讬 讘执旨转讝讜谞讛 讘专讬讗讛, 讜讻讬讜讜谉 砖诪讝讜谉 诪拽讜诪讬 诪住驻拽 诇讙讜驻谞讜 讗转 爪专讻讬讜 讘讛转讗诐 诇讗拽诇讬诐 讛诪拽讜诪讬 讜职诇指注讜谞讛, 讬讜爪讗 砖讝讛讜 讙诐 讛诪讝讜谉 讛讘专讬讗 讘讬讜转专. 诇注转讬诐 讬转诪讝诇 诪讝诇谞讜 诇诪爪讜讗 讙诐 驻讬专讜转.
爪诪讞讬 讘专 讗讻讬诇讬诐 拽讬讬诪讬诐 讘执旨住讘讬讘转谞讜 讻诇 讛砖谞讛. 讘讞讜专祝 讜旨讘讗讘讬讘 讛诐 诪爪讜讬讬诐 讘砖驻注 砖诇 诪诪砖. 讘讻诇-讝讗转, 专拽 诪注讟讬诐 诪讗转谞讜 谞讛谞讬诐 诪诪转谞讛 诪讜驻诇讗讛 讝讜止, 讜讙诐 讻砖讻谉, 诇专讜讘 讝讛 讻拽讜专讬讜讝 讘诪讛诇讱 讟讬讜诇 讜诇讗 讻讞诇拽 诪讗讜专讞 讛讞讬讬诐 讛讬讜诪讬讜诪讬.
诪注转讛 讻诇 讟讬讜诇 讗讜 住转诐 讛诇讬讻讛 讬砖转驻讜 诇讗 专拽 讗转 讛专讗讬讬讛, 讛砖诪讬注讛 讜讛专讬讞, 讻讬 讗诐 讙诐 讗转 讛讟注诐. 诪注转讛 谞转拽砖讛 诇讛讘讬谉 诇诪讛 诇谞讜 诇注诪讜讚 讘转讜专 讜旨诇砖诇诐 讻讚讬 诇讛砖讬讙 讗讜讻诇, 讻砖讗驻砖专 驻砖讜讟 诇爪讗转 诇讗讜讜讬专 讛驻转讜讞 诇讟讬讜诇 砖诇 拽谞讬讜转 讘讞讬谞诐…

100 砖”讞 – 讬讞讬讚
150 – 讻专讟讬住 讝讜讙讬
80 – 诇驻讟专讜谞讬诐

诪谞讞讛: 讚讜拽讟讜专 讗诇讜谉 讗诇讬专谉, 诪讜诪讞讛 诇诇讬拽讜讟, 转讝讜谞讛 诪讬讟讬讘讛 讜讞讬讬诐 讟讜讘讬诐

专讜爪讬诐 诇讛讬讜转 诪注讜讚讻谞讬诐 讘讗讬专讜注讬诐 讛讻讬 讗拽讜诇讜讙讬讬诐 砖讬砖?

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