Thu 20 September 2018 | 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Beit Kandinof - Hatzofim 14, Tel Aviv,

Eight sinful photographers on Yom Kippur. They walk around with a camera on while others go to a synagogue.
One in the sea, one in Tel Aviv on a bicycle and one with her family secretly eating that everyone fasts.
24 hours of video that have shrunk to eight short videos from each person’s perspective. The story is not yet known, but the place and time are clear to everyone.
A movie without cars, no sound of a crowded street, no interruptions. For 24 hours the world stops and gives a quiet, strange, charged setting. Yom Kippur.

The next day, when all the cars will move again and the street will return to its usual noise, we will be filming a short (or long) film in a film of eight episodes in the Kennedy House house.

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