Sun 5 February 2023 | 8:00 pm - 10:30 pm
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Tu B’Shvat – The New Year of Trees
5783 / 2023 Year of the Grape

One of the 4 New Years:
1 Nisan “New Years for Kings & Festivals”
1 Elul “New Year for tithe of Cattle”
1 Tishrei “New Year for Years”

Kerem House Feast of Fruit Seder


10 (Sefirot) Fruits, 7 Species & 4 (Worlds) Wine + Cheese

About Tu Bishvat

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– wheat and barley (in the form of bread, cake or cereal)
– Various nuts with the shells (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, coconut), and fruits with peels (oranges, pomegranates, avocado)
– Other fruits with edible seeds (e.g. blueberries)
Other fruits with inedible pits (e.g. peaches, plums)
Wine or grape juice, both white and red.

“May all the sparks scattered by our hands, or by the hands of our ancestors, or by the sin of the first human against the fruit of the tree, be returned and included in the majestic might of the Tree of Life.”

Kabbalistic tradition teaches that eating fruits in this order creates a connection with the Tree of Life that God placed in the Garden of Eden, as mentioned in the Book of Genesis, where Adam and Eve had been placed after their creation, which is also represented by the Sephirot. In effect one is traveling from the most external or manifest dimension of reality, symbolized by fruits with a shell, to the most inner dimension, symbolized not even by the completely edible fruits but rather by a fourth level that may be likened to smell. At the same time, one drinks various proportions of red and white grape juice or wine, from white to red with just a drop of white in it, also corresponding to these stages.
Tu Bishvat experience! Good wine, song, food and friends. Yalla!

About Kerem House:
Kerem House is a community-led cultural space in the heart of Tel Aviv, organized by young people who wish to create a vibrant Jewish community, for themselves and for their peers. Since its establishment, Kerem House has fed and hosted over 6,000 Israelis, olim and visitors over the course of 500+ Shabbat dinners, holiday meals and a variety of communal events and activities.

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