Wed 5 September 2018 | 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Pele - Rival 25, Tel Aviv, 50 NIS

You are invited to the adventure!

A musical-ceremonial journey combining a cocoa ceremony and a singing circle led by Oriya Tzur.

The cocoa ceremony will combine times of singing, dancing and sharing in an exciting family atmosphere.

The journey will come out of the togetherness of all of us and will pass through a joint observation of four recurring states of consciousness in the cycle of our lives.

no time dimention –
Between all the different states of consciousness, woven like a second thread, a magical element not subject to the winds of change …

Through the wisdom of the circle, mutual inspiration and wonderful harmony,
We will fly into the unknown, in celebration and thanksgiving,
We will examine and learn more and more about the nature of the human experience we have won
And we will bless the wonderful year that is taking place in all its splendor!

Cocoa – it expands a wonderful and stimulating consciousness.

In the right dosage, its effects are alertness, open-heartedness, clarity and pleasant joy.
The cocoa ceremony is a ceremony that allows us all to deepen our shared presence in poetry, movement and meditation.

Super Early Sale – 90 NIS
Early sale – 100 NIS
Ticket cost (if available) – 120 NIS

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