Sat 1 April 2023 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Hi, Ya’ll!
We are Clean the Butts.

In the past few years, we have organized over 100 beach clean-ups, collecting around 2 million cigarette butts – Israel’s most common litter.聽We recently discovered that our beloved Gan Mier is full of them,聽and we would love to invite you to a unique clean-up with a twist!
A ping Pong tournamnet!!

We want to promote healthy living and it’s a great way to combine sport and cleaning up!!

There are a very limited number of tournament spots, but anyone can join.

We will start the day with a clean-up and then begin the tournament!!

The participation fee to enter the tournamnet will go towards prizes for the winner and to support recycling the butts we will collect!


讛讬讬! 讗谞讞谞讜 拽诇讬谉 讚讛 讘讟住
讘砖谞讬诐 讛讗讞专讜谞讜转, 讗专讙谞讜 诇诪注诇讛 诪-100 谞讬拽讜讬 讞讜驻讬诐, 讜讗住驻谞讜 讻-2 诪讬诇讬讜谉 讘讚诇讬 住讬讙专讬讜转 – 讛驻专讬讟 驻住讜诇转 讛谞驻讜抓 讘讬讜转专 讘讬砖专讗诇.
诇讗讞专讜谞讛 讙讬诇讬谞讜 砖讙谉 诪讗讬专 讛讗讛讜讘 砖诇谞讜 诪诇讗 讘讛诐,
讜谞砖诪讞 诇讛讝诪讬谉 讗转讻诐 讜讗转讻谉 诇谞讬拽讬讜谉 诪讬讜讞讚 注诐 讟讜讜讬住讟!
讟讜专谞讬专 驻讬谞讙 驻讜谞讙!!

讗谞讞谞讜 专讜爪讬诐 诇拽讚诐 讞讬讬诐 讘专讬讗讬诐 讜讗谞讞谞讜 讞讜砖讘讬诐 砖讝讜 讚专讱 诪爪讜讬谞转 诇砖诇讘 住驻讜专讟 讜谞讬拽讬讜谉!!

讛讬讜诐 砖诇谞讜 讬转讞讬诇 注诐 谞拽讬讜谉 砖诇 砖注讛 讜讗讝 谞转讞讬诇 注诐 讛讟讜专谞讬专!!

讚诪讬 讛讛砖转转驻讜转 诇讻谞讬住讛 诇讟讜专谞讬专 讬讞讜诇拽讜 诇讝讻讬讬讛 讘驻专住讬诐 讜诇转诪讜讱 讘诪讞讝讜专 讛讘讚诇讬诐 砖谞讗住讜祝!

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