Mon 30 January 2023 - Wed 1 February 2023 | 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
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The successful musical from London’s “West End” is returning for a tour in Israel

The musical “The Story of Simon and Garfunkel” is a world-wide production of the London “West End” theater that wonderfully tells and sings the story of the pair. Now “The Story of Simon and Garfunkel” which has been running with great success for years on stages around the world and was a huge success when it first arrived in Israel – is returning to Israel.

The musical tells the fascinating story of the pair of boys from Queens, New York, who over time became a musical legend. From the humble beginnings as a duo “Tom and Jerry” through the songs and stories that shaped them and the 60’s and 70’s, the dramatic breakup, their solo careers and of course – the historic and unforgettable reunion in New York’s Central Park. The musical starring two wonderful singer-actors and accompanied by a full ensemble of musicians combines screenings of rare and exciting archive footage and of course interweaves wonderful performances of the timeless classics of Simon and Garfunkel among them – The sound of silence, Mrs. Robinson, Bridge over troubled water, the boxer, Cecilia, Scarborough fair and more. The “Tale of Simon and Garfunkel” is a magical evening of exciting classics.

The reviews around the world praise and the general audience that spans 3 generations of fans flocks in droves and praises the experience.

Location: Gesher Theater, Jerusalem Blvd 9, Jaffa

Dates: 30th and 31st of January, 1st of February

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