Wed 23 November 2016 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
ISMI SALMA - 2 Esther Hamalka St. (Second Floor), Tel Aviv,

“A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human” (Alan Turing)

Can machine understand Text? Unstructured text data on the web is growing exponentially and creates new challenges. How to extract meaning? Intent, ambiguity and other tasks that combines the existing Natural Language Processing industry. NLP is not a new field and is around us even if we don’t know..What was once an academic research is now the engine behind daily interfaces such as Siri, Alexa and OK Google. In the talk we’ll review some problems and basic techniques to solve problems in text processing. How machine learning and deep learning methods changed the game. We will also cover the recent industry trends and value of NLP to AOL and other companies.

Mattan is an architect and R&D team lead at AOL’s NLP/IR team, Relegence.
He’s been designing NLP & Machine Learning algorithms for more than 5 years. Started at small startups with social based personalisation,content classification and web extraction. Now help AOL leverage top notch technologies in content analysis, trends detection and more

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