Tue 16 May 2023 | 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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Fans of Russian cinema!
“The Brother” (1997) – the ultimate cult film of post-Soviet Russia. The most important (perhaps) and most controversial film produced after the fall of the USSR. Danila, a discharged soldier and the son of a serial thief, is sent by his mother to St. Petersburg, where his older brother Victor has been thriving for several years. Danila finds his brother. But it turns out that Victor works as a hired killer , and asks for the help of the little brother. In short, there is something to wait for.
So see you on 16.05.23, at 19:00, at Club Desire, 25 Karlibach, Tel Aviv
Participation fee 50 NIS. Payment to Bit 051-5525899


讞讜讘讘讜转 讜讞讜讘讘讬 拽讜诇谞讜注 专讜住讬!
“讛讗讞” (1997) – 住专讟 讛驻讜诇讞谉 讛讗讜诇讟讬诪讟讬讘讬 砖诇 专讜住讬讛 驻讜住讟-住讜讘讬讬讟讬转. 住专讟 讛讻讬 讞砖讜讘 (讗讜诇讬) 讜讛讻讬 拽讜谞讟专讜讘专住诇讬 砖讛讜驻拽 诇讗讞专 谞驻讬诇转 讘专讛”诪. 讚谞讬诇讛, 讞讬讬诇 诪砖讜讞专专 讜讘谉 诇讙谞讘 住讚专转讬, 谞砖诇讞 注诇 讬讚讬 讗诪讜 诇住谞讟 驻讟专讘讜专讙, 砖诐 诪砖讙砖讙 讗讞讬讜 讛讘讻讜专 讜讬拽讟讜专 讻讘专 讻诪讛 砖谞讬诐. 讚谞讬诇讛 诪讜爪讗 讗转 讗讞讬讜. 讗讱 诪转讘专专 砖讜讜讬拽讟讜专 注讜讘讚 讻专讜爪讞 砖讻讬专, 讜诪讘拽砖 讗转 注讝专转 讛讗讞 讛拽讟谉. 讘拽讬爪讜专, 讬砖 诇诪讛 诇讞讻讜转.
讗讝 转专讗讛 讘-16.05.23, 讘19:00, 讘诪讜注讚讜谉 讚讬讝讬讬专, 拽专诇讬讘讱 25, 转诇 讗讘讬讘
讚诪讬 讛砖转转驻讜转 50 砖”讞. 讛转砖诇讜诐 诇讘讬讟 051-5525899
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