Mon 17 October 2022 | 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
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Monday 17.10, 2:30 p.m
Noya Soul, one of the intriguing names in the blues and soul scene in Israel, who sings low, from the guts, like a black singer from Mississippi, is coming to the festival in Snail for a special and mesmerizing rhythm and blues show. The songs in the show were inspired by New Soul greats Erykah Badu, Amy Winehouse, Bessie Smith and Billie Holiday, and on her new album she explores her ability to combine blues and soul with a modern electronic sound when accompanied by a trio of backing singers. Noya resurrects the sensual and dark style of the great singers. Let’s take a closer look at the phenomenon!

砖谞讬 17.10, 14:30
谞讜讬讛 住讜诇 , 诪讛砖诪讜转 讛诪住拽专谞讬诐 讘住爪讬谞转 讛讘诇讜讝 讜讛住讜诇, 砖砖专讛 谞诪讜讱, 诪讛拽专讘讬讬诐, 讻诪讜 讝诪专转 砖讞讜专讛 诪讛诪讬住讬住讬驻讬, 诪讙讬注讛 诇驻住讟讬讘诇 讘砖讘诇讜诇 诇诪讜驻注 专讬转’诐 讗谞讚 讘诇讜讝 诪讬讜讞讚 讜诪讛驻谞讟 讘讬讜驻讬讜. 讛砖讬专讬诐 讘诪讜驻注 谞讻转讘讜 讘讛砖专讗转 讙讚讜诇讜转 讛谞讗讜 住讜诇 讗专讬拽讛 讘讗讚讜, 讗讬讬诪讬 讜讜讬谞讛讗讜住, 讘住讬 住诪讬转 讜讘讬诇讬 讛讜诇讬讚讬讬, 讜讘讗诇讘讜诪讛 讛讞讚砖 讛讬讗 讞讜拽专转 讗转 讛讬讻讜诇转 砖诇讛 诇砖诇讘 讘诇讜讝 讜谞砖诪讛 注诐 爪诇讬诇 讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬 诪讜讚专谞讬 讻讗砖专 诪诇讜讜讬诐 讗讜转讛 讟专讬讜 讝诪专讬 诇讬讜讜讬. 谞讜讬讛 诪拽讬诪讛 诇转讞讬讬讛 讗转 讛住讙谞讜谉 讛讞讜砖谞讬 讜讛讗驻诇 砖诇 讛讝诪专讜转 讛讙讚讜诇讜转. 讘讜讗讜 诇注诪讜讚 诪拽专讜讘 注诇 讛转讜驻注讛!

Tickets: %95%D7%9C%D7%9D_%D7%A9%D7%9C_%D7%90%D7%A9%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%95%D7%AA

Stream/Download –

转讜驻讬诐: 讬谞讬讘 诇讜讘谉
讘住: 讚谞讬讗诇 讛专诇讘
驻住谞转专: 讬讜讘诇 讗讬讚讬住讬住
讟专讜诪讘讜谉: 讗诪讬专 诪谞讜

讝诪专讬 诇讬讜讜讬 砖讬专讛 讗诇讬住专 讜诪转谉 注讜讘讚

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