Fri 4 August 2017 | 11:00 am - 11:59 pm
Cicchetti - Yehuda Halevi 28, Tel Aviv,

Salome in paper. A roll with fried calamari. Crostini with peppers. Mozzarella and anchovies. Shrimp on ice with shell. Limoncello oysters. Tuna tinged blt style. And Tonto on Bruschetta. Prosciutto and melon on a stick. White focaccia and zucchini. PENZARETTI PERSONAL. A huge archenzini. Salted corinto with spicy shrimp salad. Ketchupi and mozzarella on a stick. The pearls of mortale. Frito Misto in cardboard packaging. Italian Frisco. Eggplant Rotolo. Aperitve sprays.

The gay music will be the responsibility of the genius Roi Spielman.

Spontino # 2 is on its way

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