Thu 2 December 2021 | 11:00 pm - 11:59 pm
The Gate Club - Ha-Shalekhet St 4, Tel Aviv,

Dutch DJs Sick Individuals will perform for the first time in the Holy Land on Thursday, December 2, and will conquer Tel Aviv in an exclusive and invested production that will include a colorful lineup that will combine several electronic genres.

Equipped with 1.6 million monthly listeners on Spotify, the Dutch duo can boast a list of achievements that anyone else can only dream of: singles that have been insanely successful and scorched the world’s top dance charts, the duo’s ambition, charisma and endless charm have conquered the world’s biggest festivals- Tomorrowland, Crimfields, Mistriland and more ..

The duo is responsible for one of the most exciting and brilliant club anthems ‘I AM’ – a brilliant collaboration with no less than Axwell!

Sick Individuals’ sets are particularly energetic and powerful, which create an unforgettable entertainment experience at every show.

讗讞专讬 SOLD OUT 诪专砖讬诐 诇讛驻拽转 讞谞讜讻讛 讛讗讞专讜谞讛 砖诇谞讜 讘 2019, 拽讛讬诇转 Ravers Of Israel 诪诪砖讬讻讛 诇讛驻转讬注 讜讙讗讛 诇讛讻专讬讝: 讛专讻讘 讛注诇 诪讛讜诇谞讚 Sick individuals 讬谞讞转 诇专讬讬讘 讘讻讜专讛 讗讬谞讟讬诪讬 讜诪讬讜讞讚!

爪诪讚 诪驻讬拽讬 讛注诇 讛讛讜诇谞讚讬诐 Sick individuals 讬讜驻讬注 诇专讗砖讜谞讛 讘讗专抓 讛拽讜讚砖 讘讞诪讬砖讬 讛 2.12 讜讬讻讘讜砖 讗转 转诇 讗讘讬讘 讘讛驻拽讛 讗拽住拽诇讜住讬讘讬转 讜诪讜砖拽注转 砖转讻诇讜诇 诇讬讬谞讗驻 爪讘注讜谞讬 砖讬砖诇讘 讻诪讛 讝’讗谞专讬诐 讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬讬诐.

讻砖讛诐 诪爪讜讬讚讬诐 讘1.6 诪讬诇讬讜谉 诪讗讝讬谞讬诐 讞讜讚砖讬讬诐 讘住驻讜讟讬驻讬讬, 讛爪诪讚 讛讛讜诇谞讚讬 讬讻讜诇 诇讛转讙讗讜转 讘专砖讬诪转 讛讬砖讙讬诐 砖讻诇 讗讞讚 讗讞专 讬讻讜诇 专拽 诇讞诇讜诐 注诇讬讛: 住讬谞讙诇讬诐 砖讝讻讜 诇讛爪诇讞讛 诪讟讜专驻转 讜讞专讻讜 讗转 诪爪注讚讬 讛讚讗谞住 讛诪讜讘讬诇讬诐 讘专讞讘讬 讛注讜诇诐, 讛砖讗驻转谞讜转, 讛讻专讬讝诪讛 讜讛拽住诐 讛讘诇转讬 谞讙诪专 砖诇 讛爪诪讚 讻讘砖讜 讗转 讛驻住讟讬讘诇讬诐 讛讙讚讜诇讬诐 讘注讜诇诐- 讟讜诪讜专讜诇谞讚, 拽专讬诪驻讬诇讚住, 诪讬住讟专讬诇谞讚 讜注讜讚..

讛爪诪讚 讗讞专讗讬 诇讗讞讚 诪讛诪谞讜谞讬 讛诪讜注讚讜谞讬诐 讛诪专讙砖讬诐 讜讛诪讘专讬拽讬诐 讘讬讜转专 ‘I AM’ – 砖讬转讜祝 驻注讜诇讛 诪讘专讬拽 注诐 诇讗 驻讞讜转 诪-Axwell!

讛住讟讬诐 砖诇 Sick individuals 讗谞专讙讟讬讬诐 讜注讜爪诪转讬讬诐 讘诪讬讜讞讚 讗砖专 诪讬讬爪专讬诐 讞讜讜讬转 讘讬诇讜讬 讘诇转讬 谞砖讻讞转 讘讻诇 讛讜驻注讛.
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