Sat 14 May 2022 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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After the launch of an amazing album
Shay TRA Litman returns to Barby
A second round of a show that is a celebration of crossing borders
Shay TRA Litman’s debut album
It is a glimpse into the most secret traumas The most powerful emotions The most dangerous and forbidden perverted thoughts of an adolescent boy and the most intimate and real experiences in my life Without filters and without fear
You are invited to participate in an exciting and kicking evening of non-genre music and watch a person reach the end of the emotion


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砖讬 讟专讗 诇讬讟诪谉 讞讜讝专 诇讘讗专讘讬
住讘讘 砖谞讬 诇讛讜驻注讛 砖讛讬讗 讞讙讬讙讛 砖诇 讞爪讬讬转 讙讘讜诇讜转
讛讗诇讘讜诐 讛讘讻讜专讛 砖诇 砖讬 讟专讗 诇讬讟诪谉
讛讜讗 讛爪爪讛 诇讟专讗讜诪讜转 讛讻讬 住讜讚讬讜转 讛专讙砖讜转 讛讻讬 注讜爪诪转讬讬诐 讛诪讞砖讘讜转 讛讻讬 住讜讟讜转 诪住讜讻谞讜转 讜讗住讜专讜转 砖诇 谞注专 诪转讘讙专 讜讛讞讜讜讬讜转 讛讻讬 讗讬谞讟讬诪讬讜转 讜讗诪讬转讬讜转 讘讞讬讬 讘诇讬 驻讬诇讟专讬诐 讜讘诇讬 驻讞讚
诪讜讝诪谞讬谉 诇讛砖转转祝 讘注专讘 诪专讙砖 讜讘讜注讟 砖诇 诪讜讝讬拽讛 讞住专转 讝讗谞专 讜诇爪驻讜转 讘讘谉 讗讚诐 诪讙讬注 诇拽爪讛 讛专讙砖

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