Thu 25 May 2023 | 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
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So in honor of the holiday of Shavuot, which we firmly claim is especially our holiday, we decided to have a particularly joyful street party
So what and who will be waiting for you?!

*Sales stalls, young artisans and farm workers sell their creations
Jewelry, paintings, bags, second hand, woodwork, prints and more
Our chef Neria on an unusual Shavuot plate.

*Pot stand of our plant boutique.
Alison especially for the holiday with an exhibition of cribs
Suculans and terrariums you haven’t seen

* Flower bouquet stand for the head

In short, it will be happy and delicious
Come and read in our blog, some thoughts about the holiday>>

Location: Ahad Ha’Am St 6, Tel Aviv-Yafo

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