Mon 6 February 2023 | 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm
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Come dance with us, have a salsa party and eat some salsa or as they say “Come for the Salsa, stay for the Salsa!”

It is time we have a class and we want you to have fun moving your body.

Have a Margarita, enjoy the chips with salsa and guacamole while dancing the new Salsa steps you just learned.

The class will start at 9pm sharp but you might want to come a bit earlier to find someone (it is recommended that we be the same number of men as woman)


21:00 Dance Class
22:30 Latin Party

About Kerem House: Kerem House is a community-led cultural space in the heart of Tel Aviv, organized by young people who wish to create a vibrant Jewish community, for themselves and for their peers. Since its establishment, Kerem House has fed and hosted over 6,000 Israelis, olim and visitors over the course of 500+ Shabbat dinners, holiday meals and a variety of communal events and activities.

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