Fri 18 June 2021 | 11:00 am - 11:59 pm
Shpagat - Nahalat Binyamin 43, Tel Aviv,

We know you waited two years for this pride and disappointing is not our thing so we raised the bar 馃槏

This coming Friday, Nahalat Binyamin is changing status – “Binyamina”.

Break the estate and open the Pride events in disgrace that will be all along the street with all the most worthwhile businesses there is.

This coming Friday, June 18, 21 from 11:00 until we are finished, the business of the new pedestrian mall in Nahalat Binyamin goes out for a celebration or as Sarah Hadad HaHaimi says there is a celebration say in the city a party and so on and so forth

Line up wow with Xiao surprises.

And because it is easy to drown when the sea is stormy, there is a lifeguard at the event! 馃寠馃憴馃彎
Razit Kfara came to save us from ourselves in a fine bloom Interactive street performers that it’s a blasted word and it’s even more pan than it sounds | Inflatable Pools Please arrive with a swimsuit Special benefits for all businesses on the street And the good part of the whole story is that we got to be A. The levels which means that on the stand Coral will go up to Bar and Dor Babi so come with Psalms in your pocket please thank you.

Come on by TukTuk Lighter.

Come strong

11: 00-18: 00
Nahalat Binyamin 43 cells

Pride 2021 We started the so-called hook

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讬讗诇诇讛 讘讬讬 讟讜拽讟讜拽 诇讬讬讟专.

讘讜讗讜 讞讝拽讜转

谞讞诇转 讘谞讬诪讬谉 43 转讗

讙讗讜讜讛 2021 讛转讞诇谞讜 诪讛 砖谞拽专讗 讞讞
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