Mon 17 December 2018 | 8:30 pm - 11:59 pm
Istanbul - Rabi Meir 40, Tel Aviv,

• A voice emanating from the dimension of lack of time, a small creative artist, a DJ with a versatile repertoire of musical styles. She sings and plays echoes from the New Wave and Orientals, touching the genre of electronic music, punk, minimal wav and karate. In her current composition with Daniel Slawski, they tell us a story about pleasure and darkness

• Post-Gig Line Live intimate performances, with a unique atmosphere that will take place every two weeks on Tuesdays in Istanbul.

• In the framework of the line, there will be excellent artists and alternative first-rate performances for an hour with one break in the middle.

• Amon Aviv Mark (Eternity, Philharmonic, Death and Subway Sacks), who will hold performances and acclimations every two weeks.

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