Thu 30 September 2021 | 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Beit Ariela Public Library - Shaul Hamelech 25, Tel Aviv,

In honor of International Podcast Day, we will bring to the forefront the behind the scenes and storytelling challenges of beloved Israeli podcasts.

In the program:

17:30 Gathering

18:00 Opening panel moderated by Mia Dagan (Whole Cereals) and featuring Maya Kosover (here are the summaries: one song), Ran Levy (History Making Network), Karin Aldea (more: Going to the Movies – The Next Generation, Koop), Kobi Melamed (What’s There? In it), Noa Manheim (GLC: the Grim sisters) and Uri Toledano (audio network: high-tech in traffic jams)

19:00 Stories behind the scenes hosted by Danit Ben David (podcast on heels, behind the microphone):
“How do you build a format? The original story of forbidden to compare” – Dr. Hagai Elkayam Shalem and Oren Bernstein.
“Our Sailing” – Yahav Erez and Sivan Lotan (Sailing of Others).
“Dangerous Bridges” – Dr. Tamar Eilam Gindin (Enriched Iranium).
“The voice remains in the family” – the Fargo Michaeli family (Ma Mo Mi).

20:00 Break and mingling

20:30 Closing panel moderated by Dr. Jeremy Fogel (Think & Drink, The Metaphysical Circus) and featuring Rom Attic (one a day), Nir Gorli (editor of the screenplays here), Ayelet Triast Found in Palestine), Doron Fischler (The Answer, the obvious), Maayan Rogel (Haaretz: Make It a Story), and Dana Hillman (Criminal Past)

The event is intended for creators and listeners of podcasts alike, the entrance to the event hall of Beit Ariela according to the layout of the green note

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诇讻讘讜讚 讬讜诐 讛驻讜讚拽讗住讟 讛讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬, 谞讘讬讗 诇拽讚诪转 讛讘诪讛 讗转 讗讞讜专讬 讛拽诇注讬诐 讜讗转讙专讬 讛住讟讜专讬讟诇讬谞讙 砖诇 驻讜讚拽讗住讟讬诐 讬砖专讗诇讬讬诐 讗讛讜讘讬诐. 讘转讜讻谞讬转:

17:30 讛转讻谞住讜转

18:00 驻讗谞诇 驻转讬讞讛 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 诪讬讛 讚讙谉 (讚讙谞讬诐 诪诇讗讬诐) 讜讘讛砖转转驻讜转 诪讗讬讛 拽讜住讜讘专 (讻讗谉 讛住讻转讬诐: 砖讬专 讗讞讚), 专谉 诇讜讬 (专砖转 注讜砖讬诐 讛讬住讟讜专讬讛), 拽专讬谉 讗诇讚讗讛 (讗讜讚讬讜转专: 讛讜诇讻讬诐 诇拽讜诇谞讜注 – 讛讚讜专 讛讘讗, 拽讜讗讜驻), 拽讜讘讬 诪诇诪讚 (诪讛 讬砖 讘讝讛), 谞注讛 诪谞讛讬讬诐 (讙诇状爪: 讛讗讞讬讜转 讙专讬诐) 讜讗讜专讬 讟讜诇讚谞讜 (专砖转 砖诪注: 讛讬讬讟拽 讘驻拽拽讬诐)

19:00 住讬驻讜专讬诐 诪讗讞讜专讬 讛拽诇注讬诐 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 讚谞讬转 讘谉 讚讜讚 (驻讜讚拽讗住讟 注诇 注拽讘讬诐, 诪讗讞讜专讬 讛诪讬拽专讜驻讜谉):
“讗讬讱 讘讜谞讬诐 驻讜专诪讟? 住讬驻讜专 讛诪拽讜专 砖诇 讗住讜专 诇讛砖讜讜转” -讚”专 讞讙讬 讗诇拽讬讬诐 砖诇诐 讜讗讜专谉 讘专谞砖讟讬讬谉.
“讛砖讬讟 砖诇谞讜” – 讬讛讘 讗专讝 讜住讬讜讜谉 诇讜讟谉 (砖讬讟 砖诇 讗讞专讬诐).
“讙砖专讬诐 诪住讜讻谞讬诐” – 讚”专 转诪专 注讬诇诐 讙讬谞讚讬谉 (讗讬专讗谞讬讜诐 诪讜注砖专).
“讛拽讜诇 谞砖讗专 讘诪砖驻讞讛” – 诪砖驻讞转 驻专讙讜 诪讬讻讗诇讬 (诪讛 诪讜 诪讬).

20:00 讛驻住拽讛 讜诪讬谞讙诇讬谞讙

20:30 驻讗谞诇 住讬讜诐 讘讛谞讞讬讬转 讚”专 讙’专诪讬 驻讜讙诇 (转’讬谞拽 讗谞讚 讚专讬谞拽, 讛拽专拽住 讛诪讟讗驻讬讝讬) 讜讘讛砖转转驻讜转 专讜诐 讗讟讬拽 (讗讞讚 讘讬讜诐), 谞讬专 讙讜专诇讬 (注讜专讱 讻讗谉 讛住讻转讬诐), 讗讬讬诇转 讟专讬讗住讟 (讙诇状爪: 讛讗讞讬讜转 讙专讬诐, 讛住讻转 讗专爪讬砖专讗诇讬 诪爪讜讬), 讚讜专讜谉 驻讬砖诇专 (讛转砖讜讘讛, 讛诪讜讘谉 诪讗诇讬讜), 诪注讬讬谉 专讜讙诇 (讛讗专抓: 注讜砖讬诐 诪讝讛 住讬驻讜专), 讜讚谞讛 讛讬诇诪谉 (注讘专 驻诇讬诇讬)

讛讗专讜注 诪讬讜注讚 诇讬讜爪专讬诐/讜转 讜诪讗讝讬谞讬/讜转 驻讜讚拽讗住讟讬诐 讻讗讞讚, 讛讻谞讬住讛 诇讗讜诇诐 讛讗专讜注讬诐 砖诇 讘讬转 讗专讬讗诇讛 注”驻 诪转讜讜讛 讛转讜 讛讬专讜拽

注讜专讻讬 转讜讻谉: 讚”专 讻专诪诇 讜讜讬讬住诪谉 讜专讜转诐 讬驻注转
诪讬拽住 驻转讬讞 讻谞住: 讗讬转讬讗诇 讚讬谞专
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