Thu 8 June 2023 | 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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New exhibition at Hezi Cohen Gallery: Yakira Ament | Song of the Snake
Curator: Yael Katz Ben Shalom
A series of bronze sculptures and red chalk and charcoal paintings on canvas convey a sense of
encounter between reality, imagination and fantasy. Through the intertwined body and nature
with eroticism and the existential threat.
In Ament’s works, exploring the state of the unknown appears as an artistic practice in search of
inner agencies of knowledge.
A journey into abstract worlds through concrete images where the actions associated with the
body create a link between them.
The objects twist towards the viewer, as if intertwined and charged with an energy, seeking for a
pathway- for change.
Through actions and messages, the feminine body emerges into transformative potential with the
intention of realizing a prediction

讙诇专讬讛 讞讝讬 讻讛谉 砖诪讞讛 诇讛爪讬讙 讗转 “诇讞讬砖转 讛谞讞砖”, 转注专讜讻转 讬讞讬讚 讞讚砖讛 诇讗诪谞讬转 讬拽讬专讛 讗诪谞讟.
驻转讬讞讛 : 讬讜诐 讞诪讬砖讬 08.06.23 19:00
讗讜爪专转: 讬注诇 讻抓 讘谉 砖诇讜诐
住讚专转 驻住诇讬 讘专讜谞讝讛 讜爪讬讜专讬诐 注诇 讘讚 讘讙讬专 讗讚讜诐 讜讘驻讞诐 讞讜砖驻讬诐 诪驻讙砖 讘讬谉 诪爪讬讗讜转, 讚诪讬讜谉 讜驻谞讟讝讬讛 讚专讱 讛讻诇讗讛 砖诇
讛讙讜祝 讜讛讟讘注 注诐 讛讗专讜讟讬拽讛 讜讗讬诪转 讛拽抓.
讘注讘讜讚讜转讬讛 砖诇 讗诪谞讟 诪讜驻讬注 诪注砖讛 讛谞讬讞讜砖 讻驻专拽讟讬拽讛 讗诪谞讜转讬转 讛诪讞驻砖转 讗讞专 讛讬讚讬注讛.
诪住注 讗诇 注讜诇诪讜转 诪讜驻砖讟讬诐 讘讗诪爪注讜转 讚讬诪讜讬讬诐 拽讜谞拽专讟讬讬诐 砖讛驻注讜诇讛 讛诪砖讜讬讻转 讗诇 讛讙讜祝 诪讞讘专转 讘讬谞讬讛诐.
驻讬转讜诇 砖诇 讛讗讜讘讬讬拽讟讬诐 讗诇 注讘专 讛爪讜驻讛, 讻诪讜 讟注讜谞讬诐 讘讻讜讞 诪讗讙讬, 诪讞驻砖 砖讬谞讜讬 – 讚专讱
讘讗诪爪注讜转 驻注讜诇讜转 讜诪住专讬诐,诪驻爪讬注 诪谉 讛讙讜祝 讛谞砖讬 讗诇 注讘专 驻讜讟谞爪讬讗诇 讟专谞住驻讜专诪讟讬讘讬 讘讻讜讜谞讛 诇诪诪砖 转讞讝讬转.

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