Thu 7 September 2017 | 10:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Beit Maariv - karlibach 2, Tel Aviv, FREE


On ** Thursday** evening 07/09 , we will be
Overtaking Beit Maariv Club for a one-time event!!

This upcoming event’s exciting musical lineup:

Main Room:
Jenia Tarsol
Roni Amitai
Adam Ten
HipHop& Trash Room:
Eyal Daskal
Sapir Bar Aka Juicy Sap
Doors open at 22:00 Free Entrance until 22:30 (passing the security check) only for those who click “JOIN” on the Facebook event and afterward a reduced symbolic contribution and a free Chaser

Love the HADAP

Check Out The Event Page On Facebook