Thu 14 December 2017 | 11:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Salame 46 - Salame 46, Tel Aviv, 50 NIS


POINT ZERO presents MIRACLE – a visual audio experience and techno party for the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.

Miracles happen every day – they are all around us! But when we recognize them, we can make them real. Hanukkah is not just a celebration of the Maccabean Revolt and the rededication of the Temple, strange events which occurred long ago. Rather, Hanukkah contains mystical energy that can be tapped into in order to allow miracles today and in our own ordinary lives.

Through the power of art and music, we will gather in South Tel Aviv to dance through Hanukkah’s rebellious current and become conscious of the possibility of triumphant miracles that we ourselves can create. Because time is like a spiral, we travel through it, and as we travel, we return and realign ourselves, with the same events and miracles that happened in the past.

After POINT ZERO’s magical Yom Kippur party, we reassemble and return to extract the mystical strength out of Hanukkah; a holiday of miracles, rebellion and victories, and to let its power flow over and around us through music and art.

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