Sat 21 August 2021 | 6:30 pm - 11:59 pm
Drama - Nahalat Binyamin 52, Tel Aviv, 70-120 NIS

The living room of the Midburn!

Comes to host you at a dream event of the magic of JOMO – Joy Of Missing Out

An open and lively yard that will include lots of collaborations that will make you have the most fun:
* Aqua Camp’s second hand clothing corner
* Makeup corner and interior decorations of the Hashalash department
* A corner for the sale of Bern masks and parties imported from Italy by Neta and Gili
* An interactive art corner of images created for life by the artist Tomer Zellner

And … live performances of singing and music by the people of the living room (-: in collaboration with the singer Roni Tzach

Love, the living room

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讛住诇讜谉 砖诇 讛诪讬讚讘专谉
讘讗 诇讗专讞 讗转讻诐 讘讗讬专讜注 讞诇讜诪讬 砖诇 拽住诐 讛- JOMO – Joy Of Missing Out

诇讬讬谉 讗驻 讞诇讜诪讬 讘砖转讬 专讞讘讜转 转讜住住讜转:
专讞讘转 讛讗讟专祝:
19:30 DJ Rani Mitzi 讘住讟 注讜驻专讛 诪讟专讬祝
21:00 DJ YuliaG 讘住讟 诪拽驻讬抓
22:30 DJ Milkyahu 讘住讟 诪讝讬讝 讜诪驻专拽 讘专讻讬讬诐

专讞讘转 讛拽诇讗讘:
21:00 DJ Alex Mazor – Sunrise Kindom
22:30 DJ Adi Shabat !!!
24:00 DJ Gadi Shneider

讞爪专 驻转讜讞讛 讜转讜住住转 砖转讻诇讜诇 讛诪讜谉 砖讬转讜驻讬 驻注讜诇讛 砖讬注砖讜 诇讻诐 讻讬祝 讘诪拽住讬诪讜诐:
* 驻讬谞转 诪讻讬专转 讘讙讚讬诐 讬讚2 砖诇 讗拽讜讜讛 拽讗诪驻
* 驻讬谞转 讗讬驻讜专 讜拽讬砖讜讟讬 驻谞讬诐 砖诇 诪讞诇拽转 讛讞砖诇”砖
* 驻讬谞转 诪讻讬专转 诪住讬讻讜转 讘专谉 讜诪住讬讘讜转 诪讬讜讘讗讜转 诪讗讬讟诇讬讛 砖诇 谞讟注 讜讙讬诇讬
* 驻讬谞转 讗诪谞讜转 讗讬谞讟专讗拽讟讬讘讬转 砖诇 转诪讜谞讜转 讛拽诪讜转 诇讞讬讬诐 砖诇 讛讗诪谉 转讜诪专 爪诇谞专

讜… 讛讜驻注讜转 讞讬讜转 砖诇 砖讬专讛 讜谞讙讬谞讛 砖诇 讗谞砖讬 讛住诇讜谉 (-: 讘砖讬转讜祝 注诐 讛讝诪专转 专讜谞讬 爪讞


拽专讚讬讟 爪讬诇讜诐 @注诪讬转 诪砖讛
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