Thu 12 September 2024 | 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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Prepare yourself for a mesmerizing Argentinian dance show you’ve never seen before, with thundering drums, puffy chests and captivating legs. Malevo troupe brings its raw talent to Israel for the first time, in an innovative and exciting performance of the traditional Malevo dance. The dynamic band, made up entirely of men, created a show that pushes the boundaries of the malambo style and offers the audience an extraordinary visual and sensory experience. Malevo, created by director, choreographer and dancer Matthias Jaime, recreates the traditional Argentinian Malevo dance and elevates it to modern heights with flamenco elements and rhythmic drumming on stage. The band, which worked with stars like Ricky Martin and reached the semi-finals of the America’s Got Talent program, is now performing in Israel after performing around the world, from New York to Osaka.


Location: Sderot Sha’ul HaMelech 19, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

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