Wed 19 October 2022 | 8:30 pm - 11:45 pm
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The band Made on Earth has landed in Tel Aviv for a magnificent launch show!!!
Wednesday evening at The Zone club, they have arrived to give you the feeling that the weekend has arrived early!
The show will combine songs that have just been released with new songs that are yet to be released (be among the few lucky people to hear them first here).
The band:
On the drums, created by the fire from the earth’s crust – Roee Levy
On the bass – a plant sprouting down below – Or Mahasilker
On the mic, with sounds comingstraight from the Mediterranean Sea – Ilai Lulai
On the guitar, like you’ve never heard before, mind-blowing, fruit ripening sound – Omer Forshtat

link to buy tickets, the early the better 馃檪

*** Bring comfortable clothes to dance!
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Our music -

Instagram –
A note from the band:
Welcome to Earth.
We have everything you could want here on this planet.
There is plenty of food and refreshing water, an abundance of love, and of course, a fair amount of bureaucracy. There are also all kinds of interesting people, landscapes, animals, and a variety of languages, the most common of which is MUSIC!
What is music?
Music is the only language that everyone on Earth speaks.
Music is the only thing that manages to completely describe a feeling, even without words.
Music reflects how the world looks today, and reminds us of the potential for how the world could look.
Music can provide meaning to life, helping everything that grows to do so happily.
Music is time.
Music is communication
Music was Made on Earth.

Location: Ha-Rekhev St 13, Tel Aviv

诪讬讬讚 讗讜谉 讗专讟壮 (转讜爪专转 讻讚讜专 讛讗专抓) 谞讜讞转讬诐 讘转诇 讗讘讬讘 讘诪讜驻注 讛砖拽讛 诪驻讜讗专!!!
专讘讬注讬 讘注专讘 讘诪讜注讚讜谉 讛讗讝讜专, 讻讚讬 诇转转 转讞讜砖讛 砖讛住讜驻砖 讛讙讬注 诪讜拽讚诐.
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注诇 讛拽爪讘, 谞讜爪专 讘讗砖 诪讻讚讜专 讛讗专抓 – 专讜注讬 诇讜讬
注诇 讛爪诇讬诇讬诐 讛谞诪讜讻讬诐 爪诪讞 诪讛讗讚诪讛 – 讗讜专 诪讛住讬诇拽专
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注诇 讟讬专讜祝 讛讞讜砖讬诐 讘砖诇 诪讛注抓 – 注讜诪专 驻讜专砖讟讟

诇讬谞拽 诇专讻讬砖转 讻专讟讬住讬诐, 诪诇讗讬 诪讜讙讘诇 馃檪

*** 转讘讬讗讜 讘讙讚讬诐 谞讜讞讬诐 诇专拽讜讚讬诐!
讛诪讜讝讬拽讛 砖诇谞讜 -

讗讬谞住讟讙专诐 –
诪讻转讘 拽讟谉 诪讛诇讛拽讛:
讘专讜讻讬诐 讛讘讗讬诐 诇讻讚讜专 讛讗专抓,
讬砖 诇谞讜 驻讛 讻诇 诪讛 砖专拽 转专爪讜.
讬砖 驻讛 讗讜讻诇 讘砖驻注, 砖转讬讬讛 诪专讜讜讛, 讛专讘讛 讗讛讘讛 讜驻讜诇讬讟讬拽讛.
讗讱 讛讚讘专 讛诪注谞讬讬谉 讘讬讜转专 砖转诪爪讗讜 驻讛, 诪讘注讚 诇诪讙讜讜谉 讛砖驻讜转 讛诪讬讜讞讚,
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诪讛 讛讬讗 诪讜讝讬拽讛?
诪讜讝讬拽讛 讛讬讗 讛砖驻讛 讛讬讞讬讚讛 砖讻讜诇诐 注诇 讻讚讜专 讛讗专抓 诪讚讘专讬诐.
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诪讜讝讬拽讛 讝讛 讝诪谉,
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诪讜讝讬拽讛 谞讜爪专讛 注诇 讻讚讜专 讛讗专抓!
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