Sat 4 December 2021 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Bootleg - 48 King George, Tel Aviv, 20 NIS

Excited to host “No”, from the interesting bands that have grown up and moved here in recent years, to another event of “Live on the Edge”: an interview + a photo shoot in front of an audience, from the Edge and the Ear radio

In a completely one-time event the event will happen in our pop-up (which is nearing its end!) In the bootleg. Joining: the new double bassist in the band, Yehu Yaron, and the regular guest, Nir Shlomo.

Saturday 04.12 // Doors: 20:00 // Ticket: 20 NIS

Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

诪转专讙砖讬诐 诇讗专讞 讗转 “诇讗”, 诪讛诇讛拽讜转 讛诪注谞讬讬谞讜转 砖爪诪讞讜 讜注讘专讜 讻讗谉 讘砖谞讬诐 讛讗讞专讜谞讜转, 诇讗讬专讜注 谞讜住祝 砖诇 “讞讬 注诇 讛拽爪讛”: 专讬讗讬讜谉+讛讜驻注讛 诪爪讜诇诪讬诐 诪讜诇 拽讛诇, 诪讘讬转 专讚讬讜 讛拽爪讛 讜讛讗讜讝谉

讘讗讜驻谉 讞讚-驻注诪讬 诇讙诪专讬 讛讗讬专讜注 讬拽专讛 讘驻讜驻-讗驻 砖诇谞讜 (砖诪转拽专讘 诇住讜驻讜!) 讘讘讜讟诇讙. 讬爪讟专驻讜: 讛拽讜谞讟专讘住讬住讟 讛讞讚砖 讘诇讛拽讛 讬讛讜讗 讬专讜谉, 讜讛讗讜专讞 讛拽讘讜注 谞讬专 砖诇诪讛.

诪讙讬砖: 讙诇 讗驻诇专讜讬讟
诪讜爪”砖 04.12 // 讚诇转讜转: 20:00 // 讻专讟讬住: 20 砖”讞
Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

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