Sat 23 October 2021 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Levontin 7 - Levontin 7, Tel Aviv, 52 NIS

That we lived and maintained and reached this time!

It’s been two years + an epidemic since the whole band took us on stage for a crowded and unburdening performance and it’s happening in the beloved Levontin!

Very excited to invite you to this groundbreaking moment of Argument Energy + new songs from the fifth album that can already be smelled.

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讛诪讜讻砖专讬诐 砖诇爪讬讚讬:

诪驻讬拽 讞砖诪诇讬转 讜拽讜诇讜转 | 讝讬讜 讝拽
讘住 讜拽讜诇讜转 | 诪讗讜专 讗诇讜砖
驻住谞转专 讜住讬谞转壮 | 砖专讜谉 讘专谞讟诪谉
讗拽讜住讟讬转 | 诇讬专谉 驻专讬讚诪谉
转讜驻讬诐 | 砖讞专 讞讝讬讝讛

诪讞讻讛 诇讛讬驻讙砖
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