Mon 16 May 2022 | 10:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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With all the longing for Nick Carter and his moves, it seems to us that the low-cut crockery jeans have exhausted themselves and do not say that he is a suitor again, they tried to feed us this look with fringes and phalanxes as well, and thank God it passed with the wind. Today everyone is a hybrid dad, do not need decades decades what are we Galgalatz? Let sing quietly, all styles all the years the main anthem wide immortal.

So if you’re being challenged this week to a karaoke in a classic format of songs and drinks, why not come down for politeness?

So release the panther and let’s be humiliated
Priority will be given to those who register at the following link
Note that the links are correct in resuscitation

16.5, Kuli Alma
Free entrance


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16.5, 讻讜诇讬 注诇诪讗
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