Mon 12 July 2021 | 8:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Roof - Vardi'el 17, Tel Aviv-Yafo,

You are invited to a magical evening of good music on the most beautiful roof in the city! 馃挅

What will we have?
3 performances in different styles
Stage open to Kowloom
Beers, snacks and atmosphere 馃敟

Talented musicians will perform:
猸愶笍 Dan Yefet
猸愶笍 Folk Fellow
猸愶笍 Ettinger Foundation

So if you want to come to Jamjam, and even if you just want to come and listen to good music, enjoy a pleasant breeze and a beer, everyone is welcome 馃檪

Monday | 12.07 | 20:00 | Vardiel 17, Tel Aviv

* The open stage will start at 22:00

Check Out The Event Page On Facebook

讗转诐 诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 诇注专讘 拽住讜诐 砖诇 诪讜讝讬拽讛 讟讜讘讛 注诇 讛讙讙 讛讻讬 讬驻讛 讘注讬专! 馃挅

诪讛 讬讛讬讛 诇谞讜?
3 讛讜驻注讜转 讘住讙谞讜谞讜转 砖讜谞讬诐
讘诪讛 驻转讜讞讛 诇讻讜讜讜讜讜讜诇诐
讘讬专讜转, 谞砖谞讜砖讬诐 讜讗讜讜讬专讛 馃敟

讬讜驻讬注讜 讛诪讜讝讬拽讗讬诐 讛诪讜讻砖专讬诐:
猸愶笍 讚谉 讬驻转
猸愶笍 注诪讬转 驻讜诇拽
猸愶笍 拽专谉 讗讟讬谞讙专

讗讝 讗诐 讗转诐谉 专讜爪讜转 诇讘讜讗 诇讙’诪讙’诐, 讜讙诐 讗诐 专拽 讘讗 诇讻诐谉 诇讛讙讬注 讜诇砖诪讜注 诪讜讝讬拽讛 讟讜讘讛, 诇讛谞讜转 诪讘专讬讝讛 谞注讬诪讛 讙讙 讜讘讬专讛, 讻讜诇诐 诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 馃檪

讬讜诐 砖谞讬 | 12.07 | 20:00 | 讜专讚讬讗诇 17, 转诇 讗讘讬讘

*讛讘诪讛 讛驻转讜讞讛 转转讞讬诇 讘砖注讛 22:00
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