Fri 21 April 2023 | 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
The Third Ear - King George 48, Tel Aviv-Yafo,

The International Record Store Day known by its foreign name – Record Store Day – is back with a musical weekend full of content!
With a series of events, launches, surprises, promotions, live performances, exclusive releases, rare second-hand imports and much more

During the entire weekend – in the various stores and on the website – we will offer a variety of promotions 10% discount on all new products in the store! Record players* and turntables
Even pocket books and needles
15% discount on all second hand records/discs/films
Sale 3 for 100 on the selection of records of the labels of the third ear
(among them Domino, Baggers, Pias, Black Gold and more)
In the cafe – beer for NIS 15
Beer + chaser for NIS 25

Sign up for launch dates + breakout performances, at the Ha’Ozen store in King George, room 48

At the Ozen club
A huge selection of t-shirts, bands, hats and bags
Between 12:00 noon and 17:00 you are invited to bring us your collection of old records and in return you can receive a credit worth 150% to redeem in the store, as an exclusive bonus for Shabbat

At 12:30 in the store – surprise launch! autograph session with ??? Details will be revealed

At 15:00 – the rule of three! A live performance by Tabarnak on the floor of the store, on the occasion of the record
The new of the fine punk band, with a live show and autographs. free admission

All this and more in the musical weekend Record Store D, in The Third Ear and on the website
King George 48 Tel Aviv; Merhavia 9 Tel Aviv; 142 Hanasi Ave. Haifa; Kibbutz Gosher

There are no discounts on RSD items. No double discounts*

讬讜诐 讞谞讜讬讜转 讛转拽诇讬讟讬诐 讛讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬 讛讬讚讜注 讘砖诪讜 讛诇讜注讝讬 – 专拽讜专讚 住讟讜专 讚讬讬 – 讞讜讝专 注诐 住讜驻”砖 诪讜讝讬拽诇讬 专讘 转讜讻谉! 砖讬砖讘转 砖诇 讛驻谞讬谞讬讙 讜讬讬谞诇讬诐 注谞拽
注诐 砖讜专讛 砖诇 讗讬专讜注讬诐, 讛砖拽讜转, 讛驻转注讜转, 诪讘爪注讬诐, 讛讜驻注讜转 讞讬讜转
专讬诇讬住讬诐 讘诇注讚讬讬诐, 讬讬讘讜讗 谞讚讬专 砖诇 讬讚 砖谞讬讬讛 讜注讜讚 讜注讜讚

讘诪讛诇讱 讻诇 讛住讜驻状砖 – 讘讞谞讜讬讜转 讛砖讜谞讜转 讜讘讗转专 – 谞爪讬注 诪讙讜讜谉 诪讘爪注讬诐
讛谞讞讛 10% 注诇 讻诇 讛诪讜爪专讬诐 讛讞讚砖讬诐 讘讞谞讜转! 诪转拽诇讬讟讬诐* 讜驻讟讬驻讜谞讬诐
注讚 住驻专讜谞讬 讻讬住 讜诪讞讟讬诐
讛谞讞讛 15% 注诇 讻诇 讛转拽诇讬讟讬诐/讚讬住拽讬诐/住专讟讬诐 讬讚 砖谞讬讬讛
诪讘爪注 3 讘-100 注诇 诪讘讞专 转拽诇讬讟讬 讛诇讬讬讘诇讬诐 砖诇 讛讗讜讝谉 讛砖诇讬砖讬转
(讘讬谞讬讛诐 讚讜诪讬谞讜, 讘讗讙专住, 驻讬讗住, 讝讛讘 砖讞讜专 讜注讜讚)
讘拽驻讛 – 讘讬专讛 讘-15 砖讞
讘讬专讛+爪’讬讬住专 讘-25 砖讞

专砖诪讜 诇驻谞讬讻诐 诪讜注讚讬 讛砖拽讜转 + 讛讜驻注讜转 驻专讬爪讛, 讘讞谞讜转 讛讗讜讝谉 讘拽讬谞讙 讙壮讜专讙壮 48 转讗

砖讬砖讬 21.4 讘-15:00 – 诪讜驻注 讛砖拽讛 砖诇 谞拽诪转 讛讟专拽讟讜专
砖诪砖讬拽讬诐 讗转 讗诇讘讜诪诐 讛诪讜驻转讬 讗专讜谞讜转 诪讟讘讞
注诐 讛讜驻注讛 讞讬讛 + 住砖谉 讞转讬诪讜转. 讻谞讬住讛 讞讬谞诐
讛讜爪讗转 讜谞讬诇 专.住.讚 砖诇 讝讛讘 砖讞讜专
砖转讬 讜专住讬讜转. 讗讞转 爪讘注讜谞讬转 诇讬诪讬讟讚 讗讚讬砖谉 讜讗讞转 专讙讬诇讛

诇诪讞专转, 砖讘转 – 驻转讬讞转 讚诇转讜转 讘- 9:00 讘讘讜拽专
注砖专讜转 专讬诇讬住讬诐 讞讚砖讬诐 讜诪讞讜讚砖讬诐 砖诇 专.住.讚, 讗讬讬讟诪讬诐 讘诇注讚讬讬诐
讗诇驻讬 转拽诇讬讟讬诐 讞讚砖讬诐 讜诪砖讜诪砖讬诐, 转拽诇讬讟讬诐 讬砖专讗诇讬诐 谞讚讬专讬诐. 讗讜住祝 讬讬讘讜讗 讗讚讬专 砖诇 转拽诇讬讟讬 讬讚 砖谞讬讛, 讗讜转讜 谞讞砖讜祝 诇专讗砖讜谞讛! 诪讘讞专 注谞拽 砖诇 讞讜诇爪讜转-诇讛拽讜转 讻讜讘注讬诐 讜转讬拽讬诐, 讜讛讚讜讘讚讘谉 砖讘讻转专, 讛拽专诐 讚讛 诇讛 拽专诐, 砖讻讜诇谉诐 诪转讬诐/讜转 诇讚注转 讗诐 讬讙讬注 讗诇讬谞讜… 讜讘讻谉 讛诪砖讬讻讜 诇注拽讜讘. 转讚注讜 讛讻诇 讘拽专讜讘

讘诪讜注讚讜谉 讛讗讜讝谉 诇诪注诇讛
诪讘讞专 注谞拽 砖诇 讞讜诇爪讜转-诇讛拽讜转 讻讜讘注讬诐 讜转讬拽讬诐
讜讙诐 – 讛讗讜讝谉 拽讜谞讛 讬讚 砖谞讬讛
讘讬谉 12 讘爪讛专讬诐 诇-17 讗转诐 诪讜讝诪谞讬诐 诇讛讘讬讗 诇谞讜 讗转 讗讜住祝 讛转拽诇讬讟讬诐 讛讬砖谞讬诐 砖诇讻谉诐 讜转诪讜专转讜 转讜讻诇讜 诇拽讘诇 讝讬讻讜讬 讘砖讜讜讬 150% 诇诪讬诪讜砖 讘讞谞讜转, 讻讘讜谞讜住 讘诇注讚讬 诇砖讘转

讘-12:30 讘讞谞讜转 – 讛砖拽讛 讘讛驻转注讛! 住砖谉 讞转讬诪讜转 注诐 ??? 驻专讟讬诐 讬讬讞砖驻讜

讘- 15:00 – 讞讜拽 讛砖诇讜砖! 讛讜驻注讛 讞讬讛 砖诇 讟讘专谞拽 注诇 专爪驻转 讛讞谞讜转, 诇专讙诇 讛转拽诇讬讟
讛讞讚砖 砖诇 讛专讻讘 讛驻讗谞拽 讛诪砖讜讘讞, 注诐 讛讜驻注讛 讞讬讛 讜讞转讬诪讜转. 讻谞讬住讛 讞讬谞诐

讝讗转 讜注讜讚 讘住讜驻”砖 讛诪讜讝讬拽诇讬 专拽讜专讚 住讟讜专 讚讬, 讘讗讜讝谉 讛砖诇讬砖讬转 讜讘讗转专
拽讬谞讙 讙’讜专讙’ 48 转”讗; 诪专讞讘讬讛 9 转”讗; 砖讚’ 讛谞砖讬讗 142 讞讬驻讛 ; 拽讬讘讜抓 讛讙讜砖专讬诐

讗讬谉 讛谞讞讜转 注诇 讗讬讬讟诪讬诐 砖诇 专.住.讚. 讗讬谉 讻驻诇 诪讘爪注讬诐*
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