Thu 14 April 2022 | 5:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Park Hayarkon - Park Hayarkon, Tel Aviv, 284 NIS

After two years of deep longing, the international ensemble will return to amaze the audience in Israel with the biggest show ever held in the country.

For the first time in their careers, to mark 25 years of activity, Infected Mushroom will come to Hayarkon Park and host no less than 10 (!) Of their favorite artists in Israel.

In the Infected show and guests will return to their outstanding collaborations over the years, present for the first time excerpts that have never been published and also surprise with special performances created especially for the show.

Infected Mushroom, the legendary electronic band that has been doing its part in the world for half a century, has over the years released 14 albums that sold hundreds of thousands of copies, 180 tracks, including international hits, and held over 3,000 appearances around the world and at major overseas festivals. ‘La and many more good ones. Even today, on the 25th anniversary of its founding, the band continues to work non-stop and keeps reinventing itself every time.

The show will take place on Sunday 19/09/21 in Hayarkon Park, Tel Aviv, gates open at 16:00.
Admission is allowed for ages 18+.

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诇讗讞专 砖谞转讬讬诐 砖诇 讙注讙讜注讬诐 注诪讜拽讬诐, 讛讛专讻讘 讛讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬 讬讞讝讜专 诇讛讚讛讬诐 讗转 讛拽讛诇 讘讬砖专讗诇 注诐 讛诪讜驻注 讛讙讚讜诇 讘讬讜转专 砖拽讬讬诪讜 讗讬 驻注诐 讘讗专抓.

讘驻注诐 讛专讗砖讜谞讛 讘拽专讬讬专讛, 诇爪讬讜谉 25 砖谞讜转 驻注讬诇讜转, 讗讬谞驻拽讟讚 诪讗砖专讜诐 讬讙讬注讜 诇驻讗专拽 讛讬专拽讜谉 讜讬讗专讞讜 诇讗 驻讞讜转 诪-10 (!) 诪讛讗诪谞讬诐 讛讗讛讜讘讬诐 注诇讬讛诐 讘讬砖专讗诇.
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讗诪讬专 讚讚讜谉, 讘专讬 住讞专讜祝, 讚讜讚讜 讟住讛, 讛讚讙 谞讞砖, 讛讞讘专讬诐 砖诇 谞讟讗砖讛, 讛转拽讜讜讛 6, 讟讜谞讛, 讬住诪讬谉 诪讜注诇诐, 谞讬谞讟 讜专诪讬 驻讜专讟讬住.

讗讬谞驻拽讟讚 诪讗砖专讜诐, 讛讛专讻讘 讛讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬 讛讗讙讚讬 砖注讜砖讛 讞讬诇 讘注讜诇诐 讻讘专 讞爪讬 讬讜讘诇, 讛住驻讬拽 诇讗讜专讱 讛砖谞讬诐 诇讛讜爪讬讗 14 讗诇讘讜诪讬诐 砖诪讻专讜 诪讗讜转 讗诇驻讬 注讜转拽讬诐, 180 讟专拽讬诐, 讘谞讬讛诐 诇讛讬讟讬诐 讘讬谞诇讗讜诪讬讬诐, 讜诇拽讬讬诐 诪注诇 诇-3,000 讛讜驻注讜转 讘讻诇 专讞讘讬 讛注讜诇诐 讜讘驻住讟讬讘诇讬诐 讛讙讚讜诇讬诐 讘讬讜转专 诪注讘专 诇讬诐 – 诪转讜讻诐 讟讜诪讜专讜诇谞讚, 拽讜讗爪’诇讛 讜注讜讚 专讘讬诐 讜讟讜讘讬诐. 讙诐 讛讬讜诐, 讘诪诇讗转 25 砖谞讛 诇讛讬讜讜住讚讜, 讛讛专讻讘 诪诪砖讬讱 诇注讘讜讚 谞讜谉 住讟讜驻 讜诇讗 诪驻住讬拽 诇讛诪爪讬讗 讗转 注爪诪讜 讘讻诇 驻注诐 诪讞讚砖.

讛诪讜驻注 讬转拽讬讬诐 讘讬讜诐 专讗砖讜谉 19/09/21 讘驻讗专拽 讛讬专拽讜谉 转”讗, 驻转讬讞转 砖注专讬诐 讘砖注讛 16:00.
讛讻谞讬住讛 诪讜转专转 诇讙讬诇讗讬 18+.

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