Thu 20 February 2020 | 10:00 pm - 11:30 pm
TBA - tel aviv, Tel Aviv,

Flight # 20220 is about to take off soon
♥ Tickets:
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All passengers are asked to sit comfortably, load the vehicle with everything that makes them comfortable and comfortable on the journey into space.
Houston, are you ready?
Houston does hear ????

The connection with the command center seems to have been lost … Not that it is surprising, he is probably rushing to palm sounds.
And you?

Missed tractor in the wild?
We certainly missed seeing you a beautiful, quality and mature audience, rushing and beaming under the sun, the stars and the moon, enjoying divine music and social space, with powerful basses and melodies that make us feel good 🙂


When was the last time you lifted your heads to the sky and saw the Milky Way glitter in love with you?
When was the last time you found out that where you didn’t look, you would see yourself?
It’s time to add a new adventure to our party calendar and yours!
One that you will still tell your grandchildren.
We sat and thought, and planned, and built an event that would have its enemies come to space.
It’s time to meet new, different, colorful, cool life forms!


All passengers pay attention to your captains instructions, ensuring you don’t want to miss even a single bit that they will transmit to you


then without further introductions, it’s time to tell you which planets we will visit from Thursday night, February 20, 220, until Friday, the expected landing date.

☲ ☱ ☴ ☵ ☳ ☷☰ ☲ ☱ ☴ ☵ K

Stereo Society

Stereo Society

Iboga Rec

Iboga Rec

Sacred Technology Rec

Iono Rec

Domo Rec

Women in Trance

Iono Rec

Domo Rec



What else?

♥ The event is approved by all parties, and there will be an hour and a half north of Tel Aviv, instead of completely open, not a club, not, however, no court of a club or pub or anything like that. Panoramic views stunning!

♥ Dear families, very soon will come Event adjusted For the whole family, both in hours, in fidelity, and everything you got used to from a tractor family !!

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