Thu 30 September 2021 | 10:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Duplex Club - 10 HaShakh Street, Tel Aviv,

So a few weeks have passed since the last time. Not much has changed in the making, the Midburn is not going to happen yet, the corona is not there yet, and we are all still living in simulation.

Thanks to the strange situation, we decided that in the next Burn we will blow your face off with unicorn hallucinations and flatulence cravings that have not yet looked like them 馃コ馃帀馃悧馃崋馃く

We dreamed big, made plans and then we dropped the token that we needed money for all this fun.

We thought “Let’s do something cool and unusual to recruit …” but we are unbaked people and our brains are burning with magic.

After hard work and recruiting every normal neuron we could find we finally decided, wait for it …. do a party! 馃く馃槺

The location will be a banal and worn place in Tel Aviv. Hart will be something with LEDs that you’ve already seen a million times. And the music will be the same DJs you’ve heard of mixing the same music without words before.

But hey, we’ll be there, and so will you. And say have fun with us at parties 馃檭

And let’s really admit, you have nothing better to do. So buy a ticket, Hamuriko sees everything and whoever does not buy, will find the head of a creepy rocking donkey in his / her bed.

It is important to us that our space is safe: during the party, people will walk around with bright yellow bracelets that you can turn to if necessary. Remind everyone that we in the space are asking for consent (enthusiastic!), And any violation of this space will result in exclusion from the party.

All proceeds from the event go to Gift! Everything! One roast for the camp will not come out of here! Bring you 1000 meters of LED into the interior of the plaza! Daylight in colors!

Admission to the event is conditional on the presentation of a valid green sign, in accordance with the guidelines.

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讗讝 注讘专讜 讻诪讛 砖讘讜注讜转 诪讗讝 讛驻注诐 讛讗讞专讜谞讛. 诇讗 讛专讘讛 讛砖转谞讛 讘转讻诇住, 讛诪讬讚讘专谉 注讚讬讬谉 诇讗 讬拽专讛, 讛拽讜专讜谞讛 注讚讬讬谉 诇讗 拽讬讬诪转, 讜讻讜诇谞讜 注讚讬讬谉 讞讬讬诐 讘住讬诪讜诇爪讬讛.

讘讝讻讜转 讛住讬讟讜讗爪讬讛 讛诪讜讝专讛 讛讞诇讟谞讜 砖讘讘专谉 讛拽专讜讘 谞注讬祝 诇讻诐 讗转 讛驻专爪讜祝 注诐 砖讬讙讜注讬诐 讛讝讬讜转 讞讚讬 拽专谉 讜驻诇讟驻讜住 砖注讚讬讬谉 诇讗 谞专讗讜 讻诪讜转诐 馃コ馃帀馃悧馃崋馃く
讞诇诪谞讜 讘讙讚讜诇, 转讻谞谞讜 转讻谞讜谞讬诐 讜讗讝 谞驻诇 诇谞讜 讛讗住讬诪讜谉 砖讗谞讞谞讜 爪专讬讻讬诐 讻住祝 讘砖讘讬诇 讻诇 讛讻讬祝 讛讝讛.
讞砖讘谞讜 “讘讜讗讜 谞注砖讛 诪砖讛讜 诪讙谞讬讘 讜讬讜爪讗 讚讜驻谉 讻讚讬 诇讙讬讬住…” 讗讘诇 讗谞讞谞讜 讗谞砖讬诐 诇讗 讗驻讜讬讬诐 讜谞砖专祝 诇谞讜 讛诪讜讞 诪专讜讘 拽住诪讬诐.
讗讞专讬 诪讞砖讘讛 诪讗讜诪爪转 讜讙讬讜住 砖诇 讻诇 谞讜讬专讜谉 转拽讬谉 砖讛爪诇讞谞讜 诇诪爪讜讗 讛讞诇讟谞讜 讘住讜祝, 讞讻讜 诇讝讛…. 诇注砖讜转 诪住讬讘讛! 馃く馃槺

讛诇讜拽讬讬砖谉 讬讛讬讛 诪拽讜诐 讘谞讗诇讬 讜砖讞讜拽 讘转诇 讗讘讬讘. 讛讗专讟 讬讛讬讛 诪砖讛讜 注诐 诇讚讬诐 砖讻讘专 专讗讬转诐 诪讬诇讬讜谉 驻注诐. 讜讛诪讜讝讬拽讛 转讛讬讛 讗讜转诐 讚讬讙’讗讬讬诐 砖讻讘专 砖诪注转诐 诪诪拽住住讬诐 讗转 讗讜转讛 讛诪讜讝讬拽讛 讘诇讬 诪讬诇讬诐 讘注讘专.
讗讘诇 讛讬讬, 讗谞讞谞讜 谞讛讬讛 砖诐, 讜讙诐 讗转诐. 讜讗讜诪专讬诐 砖讻讬祝 讗讬转谞讜 讘诪住讬讘讜转 馃檭
讜讘讜讗讜 谞讜讚讛 讘讗诪转, 讗讬谉 诇讻诐 砖讜诐 讚讘专 讬讜转专 讟讜讘 诇注砖讜转. 讗讝 拽谞讜 讻专讟讬住, 讞诪讜专讬拽讜 专讜讗讛 讛讻诇 讜诪讬 砖诇讗 讬拽谞讛, 讬诪爪讗 专讗砖 砖诇 讞诪讜专 谞讚谞讚讛 拽专讬驻讬 讘诪讬讟转讜/讛.

讞砖讜讘 诇谞讜 砖讛诪专讞讘 砖诇谞讜 讬讛讬讛 讘讟讜讞: 讘诪讛诇讱 讛诪住讬讘讛 讬住转讜讘讘讜 讗谞砖讬诐 注诐 爪诪讬讚讬诐 讘爪讘注 爪讛讜讘 讝讜讛专 砖转讜讻诇讜 诇驻谞讜转 讗诇讬讛诐 讘讻诇 爪讜专讱. 诪讝讻讬专讬诐 诇讻讜诇诐 砖讗爪诇谞讜 讘诪专讞讘 诪讘拽砖讬诐 讛住讻诪讛 (谞诇讛讘转!), 讜讻诇 讛驻专讛 砖诇 讛诪专讞讘 讛讝讛 转讙专讜专 讛专讞拽讛 诪讛诪住讬讘讛.

讻诇 讛讻谞住讜转 讛讗讬专讜注 讛讜诇讻讜转 诇讙讬驻讟! 讛讻诇! 爪讬诇讬讛 讗讞转 诇拽诪驻 诇讗 转爪讗 诪讻讗谉! 诪讘讬讗讬诐 诇讻诐 1000 诪讟专 诇讚 诇转讜讱 讛驻谞讬诐 讘专讞讘讛! 讗讜专 讬讜诐 讘爪讘注讬诐!

讛讻谞讬住讛 诇讗讬专讜注 诪讜转谞讬转 讘讛爪讙转 转讜 讬专讜拽 讘转讜拽祝, 讘讛转讗诐 诇讛谞讞讬讜转.

讘住”讚, 讟诇”讞, 诪诪”讚, 讻砖诇”驻, 讘注”讞, 诇住”讚

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