Mon 21 November 2016 | 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
David Intercontinental Hotel - Kaufman 12, Tel Aviv, 500 NIS

Geektime Conference (Previously TWS) is one of the largest startup event in the Startup Nation. The conference is an Annual event that continues an 8-year tradition of stimulating conversation about technology, startups and the venture capital industry in Israel. Dubbed the “Start-up Nation”, Israel boasts one of the most exciting and innovative high-tech sectors in the world with a capacity for innovation which has been said to rival the Silicon Valley. As the pace of change in technology has accelerated exponentially year on year around the world, Israeli startups and technology have taken a significant part in our technology evolution.This event provides attendees with an overview of the innovation ecosystem in Israel, current and future trends and areas of greatest opportunity and a glimpse into the next big startups coming out of Israel. With companies such as Wix, Kaltura, Dapper, Worklight, Clicktale, Watchdox, Sales Predict, SkyCure and CyActive, Geektime conference’s Startup Arena competition has an alumni track record of over $800M in Funding and of $1.7B in M&A’s and IPO’s.

This is your opportunity to:

• Supercharge your knowledge with thought-provoking talks and discussions from leading industry experts.

• Meet the largest companies in the Israel and the world who are looking to partner and work with startups.

• Meet people from diverse backgrounds, expect tech, design and business people to talk to same language.

Meet early to growth stage investors looking to fund startups from all over the region.

This is a paid event. you must register and get your ticket in advance.

Get a ticket with a special Geektalks Coupon code: Geektime25
Check Out The Event Page On Facebook