Fri 13 September 2019 - Sat 14 September 2019 | 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Porat - Porat, Nir Levanim,

Beloved, earth frequency is first of all a family.
A family you meet to celebrate life together.

The Eden Ranch is located in an area that is not protected and in light of recent security events, out of presence and attention to the family, we chose not to keep the nearest frequency.
Yesterday we received cancellations because of a fall in the farm area. Near the farm there is no safe space to go to, if it happens again.

We want to keep the space loving and safe. Everyone should feel at home and good.

The space of the frequency is a special space, of people of heart who are joined together and that is how we feel all along. A family that grew and expanded. We still remember how it all began.

We want to say a big thank you to everyone who bought a ticket,
And to anyone who is an inseparable part of the vision and the wonderful way we go.

For all ticket purchasers – we, of course, will refund the full cost of the ticket.

Love, Love, Happiness, Love, Happiness, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love
We are already working on the following family meetings:

✨ Gadering for Rosh Hashanah, September 13.
We’ll meet and celebrate together a new beginning.

love you.
Longing for safer days.
Love, Love, Happiness, Love, Happiness, Love, Love, Love, Love, Love

We will meet again to celebrate life together
The blossoming, the development, the joint growth

We are excited to continue to assimilate our vision – to bring the earth through various levels of communication and expression, to build a supportive and enabling community, one that brings with it a presence and security
We have a genuine desire that every person in the space meet all the pairs of eyes, and together we will create a stable and nutritious core of earth.

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