Fri 27 May 2022 | 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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Due to demand we are returning to another fair in Gugys!!
So what will we have at the fair:
* Fine alcohol bar + first drink 50% off!
* Comic stand, figurines, characters and pops
* Designer clothes, brands and vintage clothes
* Tattoos
* Handmade jewelry
* Crazy prints
* Shaped boards
* Braids stand
** Music that makes dancing
In short there is no such fun come 馃檪


诪专讜讘 讘讬拽讜砖 讗谞讞谞讜 讞讜讝专讬诐 诇讬专讬讚 谞讜住祝 讘讙讜讙讬住!!
讗讝 诪讛 讬讛讬讛 诇谞讜 讘讬专讬讚 :
* 讘专 讗诇讻讜讛讜诇 诪砖讜讘讞 + 诪砖拽讛 专讗砖讜谉 50% 讛谞讞讛!
* 讚讜讻谉 拽讜诪讬拽住, 驻住诇讜谞讬诐, 讚诪讜讬讜转 讜驻讜驻讬诐
* 讘讙讚讬 诪注爪讘讬诐,诪讜转讙讬诐 讜讘讙讚讬 讜讬谞讟讗讙’
* 转讻砖讬讟讬诐 注讘讜讚转 讬讚
* 驻专讬谞讟讬诐 诪砖讜讙注讬诐
*讘讜专讚讬诐 诪注讜爪讘讬诐
* 注诪讚转 爪诪讜转
**诪讜住讬拽讛 砖注讜砖讛 诇专拽讜讚
讘拽讬爪讜专 讗讬谉 讻讬祝 讻讝讛 转讘讜讗讜 馃檪
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