Thu 4 May 2023 | 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm
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Happy to invite you to a new exhibition on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day of Israel.
A selection of works by contemporary Israeli artists present their interpretation of Herzl’s vision in the media of painting, illustration and sculpture.
The exhibition is accompanied by the book ‘Herzl鈥檚 Vision Today’, published to mark the 120th anniversary of Herzl’s utopian book ‘Altneuland’, an initiative of Carol Manheim, publisher of Artists Choice Editions. The book contains a variety of articles and images by dozens of Israeli artists, some of whom are participating in this exhibition.

The exhibition will go up on May 4, 2023, and will be on display until June 25, 2023.

Participating Artists:
Daniel Morgenstern, David Harel, Eden Spivak, Itamar Tal, Mira Maylor, Sara Shira Cutler, Studio Taoos, Tsahi Farber, Uri Inks,
Zeev Engelmayer, Zoe Sever.

Curator: Shosh Nomberg Averbukh
Production: Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv
Production Assistants: Uliana Stavi, Polina Kanevski
Branding & Graphic Design: Michal Karp

Location: Dizengoff St 77

砖诪讞讬诐 诇讛讝诪讬谞讻诐 诇驻转讬讞讛 砖诇 转注专讜讻讛 讞讚砖讛 诇专讙诇 讞讙讬讙讜转 讬讜诐 讛注爪诪讗讜转 讛-75 砖诇 诪讚讬谞转 讬砖专讗诇.
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讗转 讛转注专讜讻讛 讬诇讜讜讛 讛住驻专 ‘讞讝讜谉 讛专爪诇 讛讬讜诐’, 砖讬爪讗 诇讗讜专 诇爪讬讜谉 120 砖谞讛 诇驻专住讜诐 住驻专讜 讛讗讜讟讜驻讬 砖诇 讛专爪诇 ‘讗诇讟谞讜讬诇谞讚’, 讬讜讝诪讛 砖诇 拽专讜诇 诪谞讛讬讬诐, 诪讜”诇讬转 讛讜爪讗转 Artists Choice Editions. 讘住驻专 诪讙讜讜谉 诪讗诪专讬诐 讜讚讬诪讜讬讬诐 砖诇 注砖专讜转 讗诪谞讬诐 讬砖专讗诇讬诐, 讗砖专 讞诇拽诐 诪砖转转驻讬诐 讘转注专讜讻讛 讝讜.

讛转注专讜讻讛 转驻转讞 讘转讗专讬讱 4.5.23 讜转爪讬讙 注讚 诇转讗专讬讱 25.6.23.

讛讗诪谞讬诐 讛诪砖转转驻讬诐: 讗讜专讬 讗讬谞拽住, 讗讬转诪专 讟诇, 讚讜讚 讛专讗诇, 讚谞讬讗诇 诪讜专讙谞砖讟专谉, 讝讗讘 讗谞讙诇诪讗讬专, 讝讜讗讬 住讘专, 诪讬专讛 诪讬讬诇讜专, 住讟讜讚讬讜 讟讗讜住, 注讚谉 住驻讬讘拽, 爪讞讬 驻专讘专, 砖专讛 砖讬专讛 拽讜讟诇专.

讗讜爪专转讛转注专讜讻讛: 砖讜砖 谞讜诪讘专讙 讗讘专讘讜讱
讛驻拽讛: 诪专讻讝 讘讗讜讛讗讜住 转诇 讗讘讬讘
注讜讝专讜转 讛驻拽讛: 讗讜诇讬讗谞讛 住转讜讬 讜驻讜诇讬谞讛 拽谞讘住拽讬
诪讬转讜讙 讛转注专讜讻讛 讜注讬爪讜讘 讙专驻讬: 诪讬讻诇 拽专驻

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